Objects in May

The following described deep-sky objects, organized by constellations, are visible in the month of May at a geographical latitude of +46.8° and reach at least 5° above the horizon during the night (between the end and beginning of astronomical twilight). → Settings

Andromeda (26)

Aquila (21)

Auriga (16)

Bootes (4)

Camelopardalis (12)

Cancer (5)

Canes Venatici (17)

Canis Minor (1)

Cassiopeia (43)

Cepheus (30)

Coma Berenices (24)

Corvus (3)

Cygnus (41)

Delphinus (5)

Draco (7)

Gemini (11)

Hercules (8)

Hydra (9)

Lacerta (3)

Leo (17)

Leo Minor (6)

Libra (3)

Lynx (11)

Lyra (7)

Ophiuchus (37)

Pegasus (18)

Perseus (13)

Sagitta (4)

Sagittarius (51)

Scorpius (16)

Scutum (7)

Serpens (9)

Sextans (5)

Ursa Maior (26)

Ursa Minor (1)

Virgo (36)

Vulpecula (17)