Southern Constellations
IAU Name | English Name | Season | Culm@Mn | Dec N | Dec S | DSO |
Antlia (Ant) | Air Pump | JFMA......ND | 18 February | -24.5° | -40.4° | |
Apus (Aps) | Bird of Paradise | ............ | 23 May | -67.5° | -83.1° | 2 |
Ara (Ara) | Altar | ............ | 12 June | -45.5° | -67.7° | 3 |
Caelum (Cae) | Engraving Tool | JF.......OND | 4 December | -27.0° | -48.7° | 1 |
Canis Maior (CMa) | Great Dog | JFMA.....OND | 2 January | -11.0° | -33.3° | 8 |
Capricornus (Cap) | Sea Goat | ....MJJASOND | 5 August | -8.4° | -27.6° | 1 |
Carina (Car) | Keel | ............ | 23 January | -50.8° | -75.7° | 5 |
Centaurus (Cen) | Centaur | ............ | 5 April | -30.0° | -64.7° | 7 |
Chamaeleon (Cha) | Chameleon | ............ | 25 February | -75.3° | -83.1° | 1 |
Circinus (Cir) | Compass | ............ | 8 May | -55.4° | -70.6° | 1 |
Columba (Col) | Dove | JFM......OND | 20 December | -27.1° | -43.1° | 1 |
Corona Australis (CrA) | Southern Crown | ............ | 1 July | -36.8° | -45.5° | 3 |
Corvus (Crv) | Crow | JFMAMJ....ND | 27 March | -11.7° | -25.2° | 3 |
Crater (Crt) | Cup | JFMAM.....ND | 10 March | -6.7° | -25.2° | |
Crux (Cru) | Southern Cross | ............ | 28 March | -55.7° | -64.7° | 3 |
Dorado (Dor) | Swordfish | ............ | 8 December | -48.7° | -70.1° | 1 |
Fornax (For) | Furnace | JF......SOND | 7 November | -23.8° | -39.5° | 4 |
Grus (Gru) | Crane | ............ | 29 August | -36.3° | -56.4° | |
Horologium (Hor) | Clock | ............ | 15 November | -39.6° | -67.0° | 1 |
Hydrus (Hyi) | Male Water Snake | ............ | 31 October | -57.8° | -82.1° | |
Indus (Ind) | Indian | ............ | 10 August | -45.0° | -74.5° | |
Lepus (Lep) | Hare | JFM.....SOND | 15 December | -10.8° | -27.3° | 4 |
Libra (Lib) | Scales | JFMAMJJA.... | 11 May | -0.5° | -30.0° | 3 |
Lupus (Lup) | Wolf | ............ | 13 May | -29.8° | -55.6° | |
Mensa (Men) | Table Mountain | ............ | 14 December | -69.7° | -85.3° | |
Microscopium (Mic) | Microscope | ......JASON. | 4 August | -27.5° | -45.1° | |
Musca (Mus) | Fly | ............ | 29 March | -64.6° | -75.7° | 3 |
Norma (Nor) | Carpenter's Square | ............ | 23 May | -42.3° | -60.4° | 1 |
Octans (Oct) | Octant | ............ | 10 August | -74.3° | -90.0° | |
Pavo (Pav) | Peacock | ............ | 13 July | -56.6° | -75.0° | 3 |
Phoenix (Phe) | Phoenix | ............ | 5 October | -39.3° | -57.8° | |
Pictor (Pic) | Painter's Easel | ............ | 16 December | -42.8° | -64.2° | |
Piscis Austrinus (PsA) | Southern Fish | ......JASOND | 25 August | -24.8° | -36.5° | |
Puppis (Pup) | Stern | JFM.......ND | 14 January | -11.3° | -51.1° | 10 |
Pyxis (Pyx) | Compass | JFMA......ND | 31 January | -17.4° | -37.3° | 3 |
Reticulum (Ret) | Reticle | ............ | 23 November | -52.7° | -67.2° | |
Sagittarius (Sgr) | Archer | ...AMJJASON. | 5 July | -11.7° | -45.3° | 51 |
Scorpius (Sco) | Scorpion | .FMAMJJ..... | 2 June | -8.3° | -45.8° | 18 |
Sculptor (Scl) | Sculptor | J......ASOND | 1 October | -24.8° | -39.4° | 5 |
Scutum (Sct) | Shield | .FMAMJJASON. | 1 July | -3.8° | -15.9° | 7 |
Telescopium (Tel) | Telescope | ............ | 11 July | -45.1° | -57.0° | |
Triangulum Australe (TrA) | Southern Triangle | ............ | 23 May | -60.3° | -70.5° | 1 |
Tucana (Tuc) | Toucan | ............ | 20 September | -56.3° | -75.3° | 2 |
Vela (Vel) | Sails | ............ | 12 February | -37.2° | -57.2° | 4 |
Volans (Vol) | Flying Fish | ............ | 15 January | -64.1° | -75.5° |
Legend: Season = Visibility of the constellation from the current geographic location ("." = not visible, JFMAMJJASOND = months). Culm@Mn = Culmination at local midnight. The approximate centre of the constellation and the Sun re on the opposite side of the sky, which means it is at its highest point in the sky at local midnight, when the Sun is lowest below the horizon. Dec N = Northern extent of the IAU constellation boundaries (J2000.0). Dec S = Southern extent of the IAU constellation boundaries (J2000.0). DSO = Number of pages with described deep-sky objects.