Lion Nebula (Sh 2-132)

Sh 2-132
Sh 2-132: The Lion Nebula; WO Space Cat 51, ZWO ASI 2600MM Pro; 55h, 670 x 300s (SHO); Backyard, Zürich Witikon; © 4-10. 10. 2023 Basilio Noris [713]
Sh 2-132
Sh 2-132: Lion Nebula in Cepheus; TS-Optics Photoline 80 mm f/6 FPL-53 Triplet APO Refractor with ZWO ASI EAF; ZWO ASI2600MC PRO, ZWO AM5; Optolong extreme filter; 174 x 600s, Bin 1x1 (total 29h20min); Switzerland; © 10 Sep - 11 Oct 2023 Michael Steffen [709]


While examining his photographs Edward E. Barnard found on plate 50 «some irregular, feeble nebulosity here, about a degree in extent», which he did not catalog. But he found a «round, dusky» dark nebula of diameter 5´, about 13´ NE of the 7.8 mag star BD +55°2709. After his death in 1923 it was listed as B 369 in the «Photographic Atlas of Selected Regions of the Milky Way», published 1927. [609]

In the 1950-ies the American astronomer Stewart Sharpless discovered the large nebula Sh 2-132 on the 48 inch Schmidt telescope photo plates of the «Palomar Observatory Sky Survey». In 1953 he published it his first edition of his catalogue, where this nebula was listed as Sh 1-91. [309] In 1959 he published an updated list. There he added the notes: «Part of II Cep association.» [310]

In Beverly Lynds 1962 «Catalogue of Dark Nebulae» that she found on the same survey photo plates there are a number of associated dark nebulae listed: LDN 1150 (Barnard 369), LDN 1154, LDN 1156, LDN 1161, LDN 1162. [473] In her 1965 «Catalogue of Bright Nebulae» the nebula Sh 2-132 is listed as LBN 102.79-00.92, also referred to LBN 473. [270]

Physical Properties

Data from Simbad [145]
Name Type RA
Sh 2-132 HII 22h 19m 09s +56° 04' 45" IRCO 34; LBN 102.79-00.92; LBN 473; Mol 143; SH 2-132; WB89 170
Barnard 369 DNe 22h 15m 48s +56° 00' 00" 5 × 5 Barnard 369; LDN 1150; [DB2002b] G102.37-0.53
LDN 1154 DNe 22h 16m 48s +56° 13' 00" 5 × 5 LDN 1154; [DB2002b] G102.61-0.43
LDN 1156 DNe 22h 19m 54s +55° 45' 00" 13 × 13 LDN 1156; [DB2002b] G102.71-1.05
LDN 1161 DNe 22h 19m 54s +56° 08' 00" 5 × 5 LDN 1161; [DB2002b] G102.92-0.73
LDN 1162 DNe 21h 20m 00s +65° 03' 00" 4 × 4 LDN 1162; [DB2002b] G102.92+10.76

Finder Chart

The H-II region Sh 2-132 is located in the constellation Cepheus. On 26 August it is in opposition to the Sun and culminates at local midnight. The best time to observe is January to December, when the constellation is highest at night.

Cepheus: Lion Nebula (Sh 2-132)
Finder Chart Lion Nebula (Sh 2-132)
09:35 | 80.7°
Charts created using SkySafari 6 Pro and STScI Digitized Sky Survey. Limiting magnitudes: Constellation chart ~6.5 mag, DSS2 close-ups ~20 mag. Times are shown for timezone UTC, Latitude 46.7996°, Longitude 8.23225°, Horizon height 5°, Date 2025-03-25. [149, 160]

Objects Within a Radius of 10°
