Coathanger Cluster, Brocchi's Cluster (Collinder 399)

Cr 399
Cr 399: Upside down Coathanger with open star cluster NGC 6802 on the left. Excerpt from the colored DSS. Here could be your picture. [147]


Records of this cluster go back to the 10th century when the Persian astronomer Al-Sufi referred to it as a small cloud. Around 1000 years later, in 1903, it was mentioned in the «Communications from the Royal Wroclaw Observatory». [93] But it was not until 1931 that the Swedish astronomer Per Collinder added the Coathanger to the group of open star clusters. Collinder summarized the open star clusters known at the time in a catalog as part of his dissertation and listed it as the 399th object. His catalog, which contains a total of 471 open star clusters, is based on the survey of the Franklin-Adams maps, the NGC catalog and its extensions, as well as the catalogs by Bailey, Melotte, Raab, Shapley, Trumpler, etc. [455]

Sometimes Cr 399 is also referred to as Brocchi's Cluster. The name finds its origin in the 20s of the 20th century. At that time, the American amateur astronomer D. F. Brocchi made a map of Cr 399 for the purpose of calibrating photometers. [93] Occasionally the name «Himmelsfähnchen» (sky flag) is also to be found among the German speaking amateur astronomers.

Physical Properties

It is often doubted whether Cr 399 is a real star cluster and yet the number of members is often given in the literature as 40 or more stars. In 1970 Hall and Landingham examined the stars in the area of this cluster for mutual and movement. However, they came to the conclusion that only six bright stars are physically connected and that no weaker stars belong to them either. According to them, the cluster is around 200 million years old. A study of 2008 verified, that Cr 399 truly is not a real open cluster, but just an asterism. [574]

At the end of the 1980s, Pavlovskaya and Filipova studied star clusters that move together in space. They came to the conclusion that Cr 399 and 17 other star clusters probably form a complex. [575]

The Coathanger cluster is about 300 light years away and is moving towards us at about 18 km/s. He stands in front of a dark cloud, which he partially illuminates. The southern tip of the hook is formed by the 5.3m star 4 Vulpeculae. Only 19 arcseconds away from this is an optical companion with a brightness of 10 magnitudes. [93]

Data from Simbad [145]
Name Collinder 399
Object Type Cluster of Stars
Right Ascension (J2000.0) 19h 25m 24s
Declination (J2000.0) +20° 11' 00"
Magnitudes B 3.93; V 3.6
Identifiers C 1923+200; Cl Collinder 399; NAME AL SUFI's Cluster; NAME Brocchi's Cluster; NAME Coathanger; OCl 113.0

NGC 6802

NGC 6802
NGC 6802: 30'x 30' Section of STScI Digitized Sky Survey [160]

The open cluster NGC 6802 can be found in the shadow of the Coathanger Cluster, which is much larger in apparent diameter. The small but dense open star cluster of about 50 stars was discovered by William Herschel with his small 6.2 inch reflector telescope on 22 September 1783 and cataloged as WH VI 14. The cluster is located east of Cr 399 and has a diameter of about three arc minutes. The brightest stars are about 13 mag, but the overall brightness is 8.8 mag. [22, 277]

Revised+Historic NGC/IC Version 22/9, © 2022 Dr. Wolfgang Steinicke [277]
Designation NGC 6802
Type OCL (III1m)
Right Ascension (J2000.0) 19h 30m 36.0s
Declination (J2000.0) +20° 15' 42"
Diameter 5 arcmin
Visual magnitude 8.8 mag
Metric Distance 1.124 kpc
Dreyer Description Cl, L, vC, E 0°, st 14…18
Identification, Remarks WH VI 14; h 2042; GC 4498; OCL 114

Finder Chart

The two star clusters are very easy to find, because the larger of the two can be seen with the naked eye on a dark night. Both are about eight degrees south of Albireo (β Cygni) in the constellation Vulpecula. One can orientate oneself by the small constellation Sagitta. On 12 July the clusters are opposition to the Sun and crosses the meridian at local midnight.

Vulpecula: Coathanger Cluster, Brocchi's Cluster (Collinder 399)
Finder Chart Coathanger Cluster, 
Brocchi's Cluster (Collinder 399)
06:41 | 63.4°
Charts created using SkySafari 6 Pro and STScI Digitized Sky Survey. Limiting magnitudes: Constellation chart ~6.5 mag, DSS2 close-ups ~20 mag. Times are shown for timezone UTC, Latitude 46.7996°, Longitude 8.23225°, Horizon height 5°, Date 2025-03-25. [149, 160]

Objects Within a Radius of 10°


  • [22] The Deep Sky Field Guide to Uranometria 2000.0; Murray Cragin, James Lucik and Barry Rappaport; Willmann-Bell, Inc.; ISBN 0-943396-38-7
  • [93] Objekte der Saison: Cr 399; Jürgen Lamprecht; Interstellarum 3/95, S.48
  • [145] SIMBAD astronomical database;
  • [147] Aladin Lite;
  • [149] SkySafari 6 Pro, Simulation Curriculum;
  • [160] The STScI Digitized Sky Survey;
  • [277] Historische Deep-Sky Kataloge; Dr. Wolfgang Steinicke;; 2021-02-17
  • [455] On Structural Properties of Open Galactic Clusters and their Spatial Distribution. Catalog of Open Galactic Clusters; Collinder, Per; Annals of the Observatory of Lund, vol. 2, pp.B1-B46, 1931; Bibcode:1931AnLun...2....1C
  • [574] Asterisms identification using astrometric data; Orellana, R. B. ; de Biasi, M. S.; IV Reunión sobre Astronomía Dinámica en Latino América (Eds. C. Allen, A. Ruelas, & R. Teixeira); Revista Mexicana de Astronomía y Astrofísica (Serie de Conferencias) Vol. 34, pp. 111-114 (2008); Bibcode:2008RMxAC..34..111O
  • [575] Some Characteristics of Complexes of Open Star Clusters; Barkhatova, K. A. ; Osipkov, L. P. ; Kutuzov, S. A.; Soviet Astronomy, Vol.33, NO. 6/NOV, P.596, 1989; Bibcode:1989SvA....33..596B