Supernova Remnant Sh 2-91

The American astronomer Stewart Sharpless searched in the 1950-ies the photo plates of the «Palomar Observatory Sky Survey» made with the 48 inch Schmidt telescope and published it in 1959 a catalogue of 313 H-II regions, among them Sh 2-91. He noted: «Very long, thin filament.» [310] In 1965 Beverly T. Lynds added the nebula Sh 2-91 as LBN 064.22+04.16 (LBN 147) in her «Catalogue of Bright Nebulae». [270]
Physical Properties
This nebula Sh 2-94 is listed as H-II region in Simbad, but it is indeed just a part of the much larger supernova remnant SNR G65.3+5.7 with apparent size of the about 310 × 240 arcminutes. Optical proper motions and velocities indicate a distance of 0.8 kpc, optical extinction suggests a distance of 1.5 kpc. [47, 48] It is weaker than the famous Veil Nebula.
Finder Chart
The nebula Sharpess 2-91 is located in the constellation Cygnus. On 15 July it is in opposition to the Sun and culminates at local midnight. The best observation time is January to December.