Galactic Nebulae NGC 6857 (Sh 2-100) + Sh 2-99

Sh 2-99 & Sh 2-100
Sh 2-99 & Sh 2-100: The region around the twin nebulae Sh 2-99 und Sh 2-100 in Cygnus; SW Esprit 100ED, ZWO ASI2600MM Pro; 25h, 304 x 300s (SHO); Backyard, Zürich Witikon; © 27. 10. - 14. 11. 2024 Basilio Noris [713]


On 6 September 1784 William Herschel discovered an object which he classified as «very faint nebula» with the designation III 144. He noted: «Some extremely small stars with nebulosity, irregularly extended. Verified with 240x magnification.» [463] John Herschel made three observation and listed it has h 2062. He noted: «A small bunch of very minute Milky Way stars, so small as almost to look nebulous; north preceding is another.» [466]

In 1946 the German-American astronomer Rudolph Minkowski has identified NGC 6857 (Min 1-98) and the two much fainter preceding nebulae as emission nebulae and concluded they are probably the brightest parts of one very extended, extremley faint nebulosity. [397]

In the 1950-ies the American astronomer Stewart Sharpless discovered two H II regions on the 48 inch Schmidt telescope photo plates of the «Palomar Observatory Sky Survey». In the catalogue of 1959 the nebulae are listed as Sh 2-99 and Sh 2-100. [310]

Physical Properties

Data from Simbad [145]
Name Type RA
Magnitudes Identifiers
Sh 2-99 HII 20h 00m 53s +33° 29' 26" 2.666666746 × 2.666666746 B 13.79; V 12.86 GSC 02674-02056; IRAS 19589+3320; LBN 070.13+01.71; LBN 160; PK 069+01 1; PN Kj 1-2; SH 2-99; WSRTGP 1958+3321; [ABB2014] WISE G070.149+01.725; [BNM96] 070.144+1.725; [T70] 29; [TGC96] 1958+3321; [TP72] 75
Sh 2-100 HII 20h 01m 45s +33° 31' 14" LBN 070.24+01.53; LBN 161; SH 2-100; [T70] 30
NGC 6857 HII 20h 01m 48s +33° 31' 33" 1.766666651 × 1.766666651 Min 1-98; NGC 6857; PK 070+01 2; PN ARO 196; PN VV 247; PN VV' 523; [ABB2014] WISE G070.280+01.583; [W69] D

Finder Chart

The two H-II regions Sh 2-99 and Sh 2-100 are located in the constellation Cygnus. On 20 July they are in opposition to the Sun and culminates at local midnight. The best time to observe is March to December, when the constellation is highest at night.

Finder Chart Galactic Nebulae NGC 6857 (Sh 2-100) + Sh 2-99
Galactic Nebulae NGC 6857 (Sh 2-100) + Sh 2-99 in constellation Cygnus. Charts created using SkySafari 6 Pro and STScI Digitized Sky Survey. Limiting magnitudes: Constellation chart ~6.5 mag, DSS2 close-ups ~20 mag. [149, 160]

Objects Within a Radius of 10°
