Planetary Nebula Abell 36

Abell 36
Abell 36: Image taken with VLT in Chile. © 2019 ESO [626]


The planetary nebula Abell 36 (PN A55 25, PN A66 36, PK 318+41.1) was discovered in the 1950ies by the American astronomer George Ogden Abell on the photo plates of the «Palomar Observatory Sky Survey» (POSS). In 1955 he published his first and 1966 is second list list of planetary nebulae. [331, 332]

Physical Properties

The planetary nebula is surrounded by a large, barrel-shaped very faint halo of Hα ionized gas, measuring 4° x 5° in angular diameter. The inner part of the nebula resembles a bit the helical shaped Cat's Eye Nebula NGC 6543 with two pairs of bipolar lobes. [627] The age of the nebula is estimated around 10'000 years. [626] Given distances range from 380 pc through 436 parsec. [145]

«Strasbourg-ESO Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae» Acker et al., 1992 [141]
Designations PN G318.4+41.4: A 36, PK 318+41.1, A55 25, ESO 577-24, VV' 116
Right Ascension (J2000.0) 13h 40m 41s
Declination (J2000.0) -19° 52' 57"
Dimensions 370." (optical), 360." (radio)
Distance 0.4 kpc
Radial Velocity +36.8 ± 3.3 km/s
Expansion Velocity 36.0 (O-III) km/s
C-Star Designations AG82 156, CSI -19 -13379, FB 138, UBV 12237
C-Star Magnitude U: 9.98, B: 11.28, V: 11.53
C-Star Spectral Type O(H)
Discoverer ABELL 1955

Finder Chart

The planetary nebula Abell 33 is in the the constellation Virgo south of Spica. On 17 April it is in opposition to the Sun and crosses the meridian at local midnight. The best observation time is December to June.

Virgo: Planetary Nebula Abell 36
Finder Chart Planetary Nebula Abell 36
00:56 | 23.3°
Charts created using SkySafari 6 Pro and STScI Digitized Sky Survey. Limiting magnitudes: Constellation chart ~6.5 mag, DSS2 close-ups ~20 mag. Times are shown for timezone UTC, Latitude 46.7996°, Longitude 8.23225°, Horizon height 5°, Date 2025-03-25. [149, 160]

Objects Within a Radius of 25°
