Planetary Nebula Kohoutek 1-13 (Abell 25)

The planetary nebula K 1-13 was discovered in 1962 by the Czech astronomer Luboš Kohoutek on the photo plates of the «Palomar Observatory Sky Survey» (POSS). He wrote: «On the red print: elliptic nebula 197" x 150" of low density with two large symmetrical condensations existing at the periphary, in the direction of the minor axis, and with the suggestion of a ring. Central star mR = 19.3 mag. On the blue print: elliptic nebula 150" x 145" of very low density, two condensations are almost imperceptible. Central star mB = 17.9 mag.» [436]
George Ogden Abell listed in 1966 this planetary as number 25 and described it with «e» as «a ring with gaps (incomplete ring)» [332]
The nebula was later included in the «Catalog of Galactic Planetary Nebulae» (CGPN) compiled by Luboš Perek and Luboš Kohoutek in 1967 and was given the designation PK 224+15.1, derived from the galactic coordinates and the order of PN's discovered in the 1°x1° square. [146]
The lesser known designation ARO 246 originates from 1971 survey of microwave radiation from planetary nebulae conducted by Canadian radioastronomer Lloyd A. Higgs using the 46-metre Algonquin Radio Observatory in Ontario, Canada. [136, 137]
Physical Properties
According to Simbad the heliocentric distance is ~760 pc and magnitudes through different line filters: B 18.051; V 18.425; R 18.592; I 18.846. [145]
Designations | PN G224.3+15.3: K 1-13, PK 224+15.1, A 25, ARO 246 |
Right Ascension (J2000.0) | 08h 06m 45s |
Declination (J2000.0) | -02° 52' 43" |
Dimensions | 165." (optical) |
Radial Velocity | +16.0 km/s |
Expansion Velocity | 22. (O-III) km/s |
C-Star Designations | AG82 97, CSI -02 -08042, UBV 7761 |
C-Star Magnitude | U: 17.65, B: 18.80, V: 18.94 |
Discoverer | KOHOUTEK 1963 |
Finder Chart
The Planetary Nebula Kohoutek 1-13 is located in the constellation Monoceros, about 28 arcminutes west of 4.3 mag binary star ζ Monocerotis. The best time to observe is October to March, when it is highest at night.