What's new?

The Deep-Sky Corner was created between 1996 and 2001 as a leisure project by a group of amateur astronomers. Virtual time travel: 1999, 2001, 2002. After that, the Deep-Sky Corner remained dormant on astro!nfo until September 2020, when that website was discontinued. Now, it has risen again on its own domain and is continuously updated.
December 2023
- Planetary nebulae Abell 34, Abell 35
- Planetary nebulae Abell 26, Kohoutek 1-1 (Abell 27), Abell 28, Abell 29, Abell 31. Fixed a bug that showed wrong tables, objects and catalogs on constellation pages.
- Planetary nebula Kohoutek 1-13 (Abell 25)
- Planetary nebulae Kohoutek 1-11 (Abell 22), Abell 23
- Planetary nebulae Abell 15, Abell 16, Abell 18, Abell 20
- Observing reports and EAA photos from Edi with 30" SlipStream-Dobson f/3.3 on Hasliberg: NGC 1999, IC 59/63
- Planetary nebula Abell 14
- Observing reports with 400 mm f/4.5 Taurus Dobsonian at Hasliberg: Abell 11, Abell 21, CTB 1, Hubble 12, IC 10, IC 59/63, IC 418, QSO J014709+463037, NGC 1514, NGC 1555, NGC 1999, NGC 2024, NGC 2169, Sh 2-170
- Galaxy Abell 11
- Planetary nebulae Abell 1, Abell 3, Abell 6, Abell 7
- Planetary nebula Abell 73, galaxy Abell 76
- Internal Search with regular expressions but without Google and evil cookies.
- Galaxies NGC 3675, NGC 7741 with photos by Radek Chromik
- Planetary Nebula NGC 6629
- NGC 6729 with photo by Manuel Jung
November 2023
- Modifications in CSS for optimized rendering of pictures in floating text and object tiles on smartphones up to 400 pixels viewport width.
- Carolines Cluster NGC 2360
- Open Cluster NGC 2506
- Galaxies NGC 3115, NGC 4697
- Galaxies NGC 7252, IC 1613. Discovery notices for NGC 7217, IC 4603
- Galaxy NGC 2775
- Mel 25. Removed contact form and guestbook, because 99.9% only SPAM.
- Galaxy NGC 3626
- Open cluster NGC 6885
- Galaxies NGC 4889, NGC 4559
- Golf putter with cluster NGC 752 and background galaxies
- Additional to discovery notices for NGC 1+2, NGC 20, NGC 40, NGC 70
- Galaxies NGC 4449, NGC 1275 + 23 NGC/IC objects from Perseus Galaxy Cluster
- New Clusters: NGC 559, NGC 659, NGC 663, NGC 7243
- Cluster NGC 188, Galaxie NGC 4236
- Text additions to IC 2120
October 2023
- New Object: Holoea in Messier 36
- Observing reports: NGC 6888, NGC 6891, NGC 6905, NGC 7293
September 2023
- Correction: Messier 24 is not a star cloud, but a gap in the dust lane of the Milky Way. Observing reports: Barnard 92, Hubble 5, NGC 6302, NGC 6334
- Observing reports: IC 418, NGC 1535, NGC 1999, NGC 7009; Photos by Jörg Studer: CTB 1, Sh 2-170, NGC 6543
- Added text to NGC 7354. New photo of NGC 6717
- Galaxy NGC 1964
- Galaxy NGC 1961
- Galaxy NGC 936
- Galaxy NGC 908
August 2023
- Galactic nebulae NGC 1788, NGC 1999. Bugfix: in PHP mktime(). Needs a fifth argument for the day or the returned month name is wrong on the last day of the month.
- Galaxy NGC 613
- Adding interesting objects from the «Herschel 400 Catalogue»: Galaxies NGC 157, NGC 247, NGC 278
- NGC 7292, Sh 2-170. Added text to NGC 7822. Observation reports from Edi: Abell 39, NGC 6210, NGC 6229, Sh 2-71
- Photo of CTB 1 by Jörg Studer.
- Observing nights on Hasliberg and Starparty Gurnigel: Abell 39, Abell 70, Hubble 5, IC 4593, Minkowski 1-59, NGC 1499, NGC 6210, NGC 6229 (with photo by Radek), NGC 6741, NGC 6751, NGC 6781, NGC 6822, QSO J014709+463037, Sh 2-71, NGC 869/884
- Planetary Nebula Abell 36
- Planetary Nebulae NGC 6741 and NGC 6852. Bugfix in Catalogues. Constellation affiliation calculated with epoch J2000.0 but Galactic Planetary Nebulae catalogue (Acker et al., 1992) is originally in B1950.0. Some PN were in wrong constellation.
- Planetary Nebula IC 2003
- Planetary Nebula Sh 2-71. Additions to NGC 6822
July 2023
- Planetary Nebula Hubble 5
- Planetary Nebula Hubble 12
- Planetary Nebula Vyssotsky 2-2
June 2023
- Planetary Nebula NGC 6778
- Planetary Nebula Minkowski 1-59
- Milky bright midsummer observation night on Glaubenberg. The Milky Way and fainter constellations were barely visible. Weren't the summer nights much darker in the past? After clearing up around 2 am, the sky cleared briefly. New visual object descriptions, the easy-peasy ones: Picot 1, Messier 5, Messier 11, Messier 12, Messier 13, Messier 14, Messier 27, Messier 92
- Photo Sh 2-129 by Jörg Studer. Thank you!
May 2023
- Correction: NGC 4567/8 show traces of interaction and are not just superimposed.
- Addition: Discovery history of Hickson 61
- Photos by Manuel Jung: NGC 6946, NGC 6960+, NGC 7000, NGC 7293, IC 1318, IC 1396, IC 2177, Simeis 188, Barnard 33, Cassiopeia, Cygnus, Crux, Orion, Sagittarius ... Thank you!
- Photos by Manuel Jung: Messier 33, Messier 42 , Messier 45, Messier 51, Messier 71, Messier 78, Messier 81, Messier 83, Messier 92, Messier 101, NGC 253, NGC 1499, NGC 2237+, NGC 3718, NGC 4565, NGC 6334, Monoceros ... Thank you!
- Photos by Manuel Jung: Messier 1, Messier 3, Messier 4, Messier 5, Messier 8, Messier 10, Messier 13, Messier 14, Messier 15, Messier 16, Messier 17, Messier 20, Messier 22, Messier 24, Messier 31, Scutum ... Thank you very much!
- Simeis 188
- Sh 2-90
- NGC 2170
April 2023
- NGC 6717
- NGC 6624
- Bugfix: Show/hide Telrad using jQuery on entry page when number of tiles exceed 3 rows. Text additions for NGC 2419
March 2023
- Markarian 421
- Added limiting magnitudes of finder charts. Description for Messier 20 by Edi
- Added «Strasbourg-ESO Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae» on constellation pages.
- Added historical constellation maps from Johann Bayer's «Uranometria» (1603) and Johannes Hevelius «Prodromus Astronomiae» (1690).
February 2023
- Handy Feature: Objects of the current month
- Observation reports from Eduard von Bergen with 30" SlipStream Dobson: NGC 2362, NGC 3395/6, NGC 3226/7, NGC 2782, NGC 2261, IC 2177 ... Thank you!
- CTB 1
- Planetary Nebulae Abell 19, Abell 57, Abell 61, Abell 68
- Planetary Nebulae Abell 5, Kohoutek 1-7, Abell 65, Abell 74
- vdB 141: Text supplements
- LDN 1235: Text supplements and photo by Peter Kocher
- NGC 2467, photos by Jörg Studer: LDN 1082, LDN 1235
- Planetary Nebulae IC 972 and NGC 7094
- NGC 6366
- NGC 2610, NGC 5694
- NGC 4147, IC 4593, NGC 6229