What's new?

The Deep-Sky Corner was created between 1996 and 2001 as a leisure project by a group of amateur astronomers. Virtual time travel: 1999, 2001, 2002. After that, the Deep-Sky Corner remained dormant on astro!nfo until September 2020, when that website was discontinued. Now, it has risen again on its own domain and is continuously updated.
December 2022
- Erratum: Collinder 21 and Collinder 399 are only asterisms and not open clusters. Studies referenced which prove that.
- Stock 23
November 2022
- Observing night on Ibergeregg: Jones 1, JnEr 1, Simeis 22
- Hickson 10
- Photos by Bernie and Dragan: Abell 33, NGC 2419, Messier 98, Messier 60
- Hickson 79
- Hickson 16
- Hickson 40
October 2022
- Observing night on Mount Titlis: NGC 7479, Jones 1, IC 410, NGC 2175
- Navigation: Objects by catalogue. Icons in WebP format instead of JPEG for smaller file size.
- Only NGC 5634 in constellation Virgo
- Added text and image to Messier 45. New navigation aid: More Objects Nearby.
- IC 2177 and and open cluster NGC 2353 in constellation Monoceros
- NGC 5426/7 in constellation Virgo
- Picot 1 in constellation Bootes; Collinder 21 in constellation Triangulum
- Planetary nebulae BV 5-1, BV 5-2 and BV 5-3
- NGC 6712 in constellation Scutum
- Globular clusters NGC 6749 and NGC 6760 in constellation Aquila
September 2022
- IC 418 in constellation Lepus
- NGC 1360 in constellation Fornax
- «Revised NGC/IC» and «Historic NGC/IC» by Dr. Wolfgang Steinicke updated to version of 1 September 2022
- Some PHP code changes. NGC/IC catalogs on constellation page grouped by object type.
- NGC 6772 in Aquila
- IC 3568 in Camelopardalis
- IC 1454 in Cepheus
- NGC 6818 in Sagittarius; Text addition to NGC 6445
- NGC 6572 in Ophiuchus
- NGC 3226/7 in Leo
August 2022
- Text for Barnard 85 (dark nebula in Messier 20)
- Observation report: NGC 70
- Observing night on Glaubenberg: Minkowski 1-92, Messier 4, NGC 6369, NGC 6894
July 2022
- UGC 1810/3 in Andromeda
- NGC 4361 in Corvus
- New objects in Libra: planetary nebula Merrill 2-1, galaxy IC 4538, globular cluster NGC 5897
- Galaxy NGC 3631
June 2022
May 2022
- Observing night on Glaubenberg: Messier 3, Messier 59, Minkowski 2-9, NGC 4565, NGC 5248, NGC 5466, NGC 5752/4,
- NGC 2798/9
- NGC 2683
April 2022
- NGC 2444/5
- Simeis 57
- Photos by Peter Kocher: NGC 6960+, Barnard 33, Messier 81
- Photos by Peter Kocher: IC 1318, IC 1396, NGC 7023, Messier 11, Messier 27, Messier 31, Messier 45, NGC 7635, NGC 7822
- Ju 1, Photos by Peter Kocher: NGC 6543, IC 1805, Messier 17,
- Photos by Peter Kocher: NGC 7000, NGC 1499, Sh 2-155, NGC 7380, IC 5146
- Sh 2-129 picture by Peter Kocher
March 2022
- Observing night with Edi on Faith Mountain (Glaubenberg): NGC 2419, APM 08279+5255, NGC 5394/5 ... then we were too tired.
- NGC 147
- NGC 80
- New PN: Humason 1-2
- Added history of Messier 33.
- Sh 1-89
- New PN: Minkowski 1-79
- Observation reports with 30" Slipstream-Dobsonian by Eduard von Bergen: NGC 281, NGC 2359, NGC 2371/2, NGC 2392, NGC 3718, NGC 7635
- Observing night on Glaubenberg/Langis. Ice cold with a lot of interfering light from the snow cat and the hotels horrible outdoor lighting: IC 443, Messier 35, Messier 40, Messier 51, NGC 2237+, NGC 2261, NGC 2266, NGC 4631
February 2022
- Light Pollution in Switzerland: map of Europe, Bortle scale
- New Proto-PN: Minkowski 1-92
- New Proto-PN: Minkowski 2-9
- Changed to Apache PHP-FPM, HTTP/2, MPM Event for better performance. Upgrade to Debian 11
- Added photo, missing history and physical information for UGC 3697.
- New photos courtesy of Beat Kohler: Barnard 33, Messier 1, Messier 13, Messier 31, Messier 33, Messier 42 , Messier 45, Messier 64, Messier 65, Messier 81, NGC 206, NGC 2237+, NGC 2392, NGC 2403, NGC 2903, NGC 4565
- Observing night on Ibergeregg with object descriptions for Abell 12, Messier 46, NGC 1535 and NGC 2359
- New PN: NGC 6369. Historic discovery notes for NGC 5248. In addition to ReCaptcha, implemented DNSBL query of the source IP for guest book and contact form to ward off annoying spammers.
- New PN: NGC 6210
- New PN: NGC 6751
January 2022
- New PN: NGC 1535
- NGC 2000.0 by Roger W. Sinnott (1988) replaced wtih «Revised New General Catalogue and Index Catalogue», edition 2021 by Dr. Wolfgan Steinicke
- NGC 4676 A/B
- Added discovery notes from the two Herschels for NGC 6804. Layout changes for better viewing on smartphones with small screens of viewport ≤375 pixels.
- NGC 4274. Changelog separated by years.
- Bibliography and language selection on bottom of each page. Added some discovery notes from William Herschel. IC 447
- Visual observation: QSO 0957+561A/B. APM 08279+5255
- All NGC objects haven been translated from German. All 413 pages have been translated. Finished!
- NGC objects up to NGC 6842 have been translated from German. Only 50 pages left.
- NGC objects up to NGC 4725 have been translated from German. Only 75 pages left.
- NGC objects up to NGC 2371/2 have been translated from German. Only 100 pages left.
- All Messier objects translated from German. Only 145 pages left.
- Duplicated all pages to be translated and fixed links for different languages. Translated all objects up to Messier 12 ... only 232 pages left. Layout changes at constellations for better readability on smartphones.
- Translated from German: All Hickson galaxy groups, All IC objects
- Translated from German: All Abell PNs, Barnard 33, Baade 1, Collinder 399, CRL 2688, Diamond, Ethos 1, G1, Haro PNs, Hickson 44
- All constellations have been translated to english. Translated deep-sky objects: 3C 273, Abell 2 through 21.
- Code and database change for multiple languages (German, English). First translations (constellations Andromeda to Indus)