What's new?

The Deep-Sky Corner was created between 1996 and 2001 as a leisure project by a group of amateur astronomers. Virtual time travel: 1999, 2001, 2002. After that, the Deep-Sky Corner remained dormant on astro!nfo until September 2020, when that website was discontinued. Now, it has risen again on its own domain and is continuously updated.
December 2020
- Adopting of change history since 1996 of DSC as MySQL table; some responsive design HTML/CSS fixes; new object S5 0014+81; HST photo of 3C 273; HST photo of Messier 1;
- Photos and background information for NGC 246 and NGC 7293
- New object descriptions by Eduard von Bergen: NGC 4485/90, NGC 4567/8, NGC 4631, NGC 6946, NGC 6946, NGC 7331, QSO 0957+561A/B, UGC 3697, UGC 10214
- Inclusion of Google Custom Search functionality.
- New object descriptions by Eduard von Bergen: Barnard 33, G 1, Hickson 57, Messier 51, Messier 65, Messier 65, Messier 65, NGC 2264, NGC 3718, NGC 4038/9
- New object descriptions by Eduard von Bergen: NGC 253, Messier 101, Messier 16, NGC 7293, NGC 7662, NGC 6445, NGC 6781, NGC 6826
- GDPR compliant Imprint (hopefully)
- New object descriptions by Eduard von Bergen: Messier 8, Messier 13, Messier 27, Messier 31, Messier 57, Messier 71, Messier 78, Messier 81, Messier 104
- Eduard von Bergen donates object descriptions and drawings from his Deep-Sky Guide. Thank you very much!
- The Deep-Sky Corner moves to its own domain deepskycorner.ch. Changes of PHP code and MySQL database. Layout changes for responsive design optimized for both smartphones and desktop. Only in German.
October 2020
- Purchase of domain deepskycorner.ch at Swizzonic.
- Sleeping Beauty has woken up! Revival of the Deep-Sky Corner (formally at: deepsky.astronomie.info, deepsky.astronomie.ch, deepsky.astroinfo.org, deepsky.astroinfo.ch, www.astroinfo.ch/dsc) after death of astro!nfo, temporarily at www.nies.ch/deepsky. Reconstruction of all pages from web.archive.org, change of structure, fixing wrong HTML syntax, rewriting PHP code from scratch, fixing links, create new MySQL database, import of NGC, PGC and PNG catalogs into MySQL, and lot more.