What's new?

The Deep-Sky Corner was created between 1996 and 2001 as a leisure project by a group of amateur astronomers. Virtual time travel: 1999, 2001, 2002. After that, the Deep-Sky Corner remained dormant on astro!nfo until September 2020, when that website was discontinued. Now, it has risen again on its own domain and is continuously updated.
December 1996
- Complete information about NGC 2440 in Puppis (PhH)
- New map of NGC 1931; Addition to NGC 7332/9; New map of G 1; New CCD image of NGC 7662 (SME/PhH); New CCD image of Abell 70 (PhH)
- Planetary nebula NGC 2022 in Orion added (SME/PhH); New CCD image of NGC 7635 ST6 (SME/PhH); Abell 70 added (PhH); Various small corrections in these files
- Text to PK catalogue inserted in catalog.html plus link from PK catalogue to this one
- Text addition at Hickson 44
- Image at NGC 3242 inserted
- Correction at map reference at NGC 1513; change at G1
- Object NGC 7023 added; new drawing and description at NGC 6781
- Added object NGC 1513
- Added text in catalog.html
- New drawing and addition to the visual object description for NGC 404 and G1
- Minor corrections to NGC 7662; link to English menu inserted in menu.html
- NGC 7662: drawing, visual and technical description at 200mm; NGC 6804: drawing and description of SME at 200mm (PhH).
- Images added by Bruce Balick for NGC 7662 (PhH)
- Object NGC 7662 with visual description added
- Remaining b/w inverted finder charts added
- B/w inverted location maps added for objects from Leo to Puppis; new location map added for NGC 2261.
November 1996
- added b/w inverted location maps for objects from Andromeda to Hydra; new location map for NGC 3242
- Text additions and corrections to Messier 81 and Messier 82; visual object description and sketch of Messier 92
- Objects M81 and M82 added
- Figure added at M16
- Image added at NGC 7789
- Figure added at M13
- Additions in bibgraph.html, catalog.html, com/m64.html, cyg/n6888.html, tri/m33.html, menu.html and index_m.html; illustration added at M92
October 1996
- POSS image inserted at M13 and text adapted
- Additions to bibliography; objects NGC 6804, 2346 and 2440 added.
- Added object M15 with PK 65-27.1; added galaxy IC 4617 at M13
- Object description of M16 and IC4703 and M92 added
- Images added at NGC 6703 and NGC 7332
- Additions in bibliography; correction in info.html and at M 1; text and image addition at Cirrus Nebula
- Added bject description of NGC 7332/9; picture for NGC 404; corrections and additions for Messier 57
- Added text for NGC 404, NGC 1514 and 3C 273; new picture for 3C 273
- Added text for Messier 33 and NGC 604
- Added object description for NGC 1701; additions in Ophiuchus, Serpens, NGC 6960+, Messier 64, Leo, Hickson 44, Hickson 61
- Correction in NGC 6703; Additions in constellations Ophiuchus and Aquarius
- Additions in bibliography and in Gemini quasar; object NGC 6703 added; catalogue description Messier, NGC⁣ added; additions in M33, IC1296 and NGC6543.
- NGC 6834 added; additions to the constellations Taurus to Vulpecula; additions to Cetus, Messier 33 and Bibliography.
September 1996
- Additions in the constellations Piscis Austrinus to Sextans; Physical description of NGC 6888 added; Entry in Bibliography.
- Various small corrections in NGC 404, NGC 6781, NGC 1501, NGC 7789, NGC 6888, NGC 6960+, Draco, NGC 6543, NGC 2371/2, Abell 21, NGC 2392, Hickson 44; additions in the constellations Lupus to Pisces; additions in menu.html and index_m.html.
- index.html instead of frame.html --> shorter URL
- Updated true nature of NGC 6543; additions in the constellations Indus through Libra
- Files for Messier 16 and Messier 92 prepared; changes in the affected catalogue files; object categories asterism and stellar cloud introduced; corrections in Camelopardalis and Sagittarius
- Corrections and additions to NGC 6543; missing location map of Messier 33 added; entries in Bibliography; additions to the constellations Coma Berenices to Grus.
- Corrections and additions to the constellations Andromeda to Columba; corrections in index_m.html and menu.html
- Additions to Aquila, Ara, Aries and Auriga
- Additions to Andromeda, Antlia, Apus und Aquarius
- Text correction and addition at NGC 7635; entry in Bibliography
- Galaxy Messier 33 added; minor corrections in G 1, Crux, Corona Borealis, NGC 1514, Messier 1, NGC 6888, and NGC 6960+
- Alaska flag and description added to Ursa Maior; additions to Abell 21; entry in Bibliography; NGC 1701 added to Caelum.
- Object description for Collinder 399; replaced POSS image of NGC 6888 with Stefs photo and old drawing; added three national flags and description for Crux; small changes in Messier 46; added sources in Bibliography; added visual description and drawing of NGC 6543
- Entry in Bibliography; Messier 1 ergänzt; Added What's new?; various small corrections in Vela, Virgo, Bootes, Corona Borealis, Vulpecula and Messier 27
August 1996
- The DSC goes online
June 1996
- Foundation of the new Deep-Sky Corner