The following people contributed to the Deep-Sky Corner. Many thanks to everyone for the object descriptions, photos and drawings.
Bernd Nies
Photos (5)
Drawings (8)
Pages with Object Descriptions (123)
- 37 Cluster (NGC 2169)
- Abell 12 & μ Orionis
- Abell 70 with Galaxy PMN J2033-0656
- Andromedas Parachute (Quasar J014709+463037)
- Antennae Galaxies (NGC 4038/9)
- Barnards Galaxy (NGC 6822)
- Blue Snowball (NGC 7662)
- Bubble Nebula (NGC 7635) & Messier 52
- Bug Nebula (NGC 6302)
- California Nebula (NGC 1499)
- Cat's Eye Nebula (NGC 6543)
- Cat's Paw Nebula (NGC 6334)
- Centaurus A (NGC 5128)
- Cirrus Nebula (NGC 6960+)
- Cleopatra’s Eye (NGC 1535)
- Cluster M 46 with Planetary Nebula NGC 2438
- Cluster NGC 1893 + Nebula IC 410
- Cocktail (NGC 6905)
- Cosmic Keyhole (NGC 1999)
- Crescent Nebula (NGC 6888) & Soap Bubble Nebula (Ju 1)
- Dew Nebula (NGC 1514)
- Dumbbell Nebula (Messier 27)
- Dwarf Galaxy IC 10
- Embryo Nebula (NGC 1333)
- Eskimo Nebula, Clown Face Nebula (NGC 2392)
- Flaming Star Nebula (IC 405)
- Flaming Tree Nebula (NGC 2024)
- Footprint Nebula, Minkowskis Footprint (Minkowski 1-92)
- Galactic Nebula NGC 1788
- Galaxies M 81, M82 & NGC 3077
- Galaxies Messier 105, NGC 3384 & NGC 3389
- Galaxies Messier 59 & Messier 60
- Galaxies Messier 95 & Messier 96
- Galaxy Abell 11
- Galaxy NGC 5248
- Gamma Cassiopeiae Nebula (IC 59/63)
- Ghost of Mirach (NGC 404)
- Globular Cluster Messier 12
- Globular Cluster Messier 14
- Globular Cluster Messier 15 & Planetary Nebula Pease 1
- Globular Cluster Messier 3
- Globular Cluster Messier 5
- Globular Cluster Messier 92
- Globular Cluster NGC 288
- Globular Cluster NGC 5466
- Globular Cluster NGC 6229
- Globular Cluster NGC 6638, Planetary Nebula NGC 6644, Dark Cloud Barnard 98
- Globular Cluster Palomar 2
- Globular Clusters Messier 22 & NGC 6642
- Globular Clusters Messier 4 & NGC 6144
- Glowing Eye Nebula (NGC 6751)
- Headphone Nebula (JnEr 1)
- Helix Nebula (NGC 7293)
- Hercules Cluster (Messier 13)
- Heron Galaxy (NGC 5394/5)
- Hinds variable Nebula (NGC 1555)
- Hubbles variable Nebula (NGC 2261)
- Integral Sign Galaxy (UGC 3697)
- Interacting Galaxies NGC 5752/4 (Arp 297)
- Intergalactic Wanderer (NGC 2419)
- Iris Nebula (NGC 7023)
- Jellyfish Nebula (IC 443)
- Lemon Slice Nebula (IC 3568)
- Little Dumbbell Nebula (Messier 76)
- Little Ghost Nebula (NGC 6369)
- Little Pacman (NGC 1491)
- Little Rosette Nebula (Sh 2-170)
- Mayall II, Andromedas Globular Cluster (G 1)
- Medulla Nebula (CTB 1, Abell 85)
- Medusa Nebula (Abell 21)
- Messier 77 (Cetus A) & NGC 1055
- Mexico Nebula (NGC 7000) & Pelican Nebula (IC 5070)
- Monkey Head Nebula (NGC 2175)
- Napoleons Hat (Picot 1)
- Needle Galaxy (NGC 4565)
- Northern Trifid (NGC 1579)
- Open Cluster NGC 2266
- Open Cluster NGC 6520 & Ink Spot Nebula Barnard 86
- Open Clusters M 35 & NGC 2158
- Oyster Nebula (NGC 1501)
- Pair of Galaxies NGC 2444/5
- Pair of Galaxies NGC 770/2 (Arp 78)
- Phantom Streak Nebula (NGC 6741)
- Pinwheel Cluster Messier 36 & Holoea (IRAS 05327+3404)
- Planetary Nebula Abell 39
- Planetary Nebula Abell 4
- Planetary Nebula Hubble 12
- Planetary Nebula Hubble 5
- Planetary Nebula IC 4593
- Planetary Nebula Jones 1 (PK 104-29.1)
- Planetary Nebula Kohoutek 1-7 (Abell 10)
- Planetary Nebula Minkowski 1-59
- Planetary Nebula NGC 6781
- Planetary Nebula NGC 6891
- Planetary Nebula NGC 6894
- Planetary Nebula Sh 2-71
- Planetary Nebula Simeis 22
- Propeller Galaxy (NGC 7479)
- Psychedelic Nebula (Simeis 188) & Minkowski 1-41
- Quasar 3C 273
- Quasar APM 08279+5255 & Galaxy Markarian 90
- Red Spider Nebula (NGC 6537)
- Ring Cluster (NGC 1513)
- Ring Nebula (Messier 57)
- Rosette Nebula (NGC 2237+)
- Silver Dollar, Sculptor Galaxy (NGC 253)
- Silver Sliver Galaxy (NGC 891)
- Skull Nebula (NGC 246)
- Small Sagittarius Star Cloud (Messier 24)
- Spirograph Nebula (IC 418)
- Stephans Quintet (Hickson 92)
- Thor's Helmet, Duck Nebula (NGC 2359)
- Trekkie Galaxy (NGC 1701)
- Triangulum Galaxy (Messier 33)
- Turtle Nebula (NGC 6210)
- Twin Jet Nebula, Minkowski's Butterfly (Minkowski 2-9)
- Twin Quasar (QSO 0957+561A/B)
- Whale Galaxy (NGC 4627/31) with Hockeystick (NGC 4656/7)
- Whirlpool Galaxy (Messier 51)
- Wild Duck Cluster (Messier 11)
- Winnecke 4 (Messier 40)
- Witch Head Nebula (IC 2118)
- h+χ Persei, Double Cluster (NGC 869/884)