Constellations in September

The following 47 constellations are visible in the month of September at a geographical latitude of +46.8° and their centre reaches at least 5° above the horizon during the night (between the end and beginning of astronomical twilight). → Settings

IAU Name English Name Season Culm@Mn Dec N Dec S DSO
Andromeda (And) Chained Maiden JFMAMJJASOND 5 October +53.2° +21.7° 26
Aquarius (Aqr) Water Bearer J....JJASOND 29 August +3.3° -24.9° 7
Aquila (Aql) Eagle .FMAMJJASOND 16 July +18.7° -11.9° 21
Aries (Ari) Ram JFM...JASOND 5 November +31.2° +10.4° 5
Auriga (Aur) Charioteer JFMAM.JASOND 21 December +56.2° +27.9° 19
Bootes (Boo) Herdsman JFMAMJJASOND 3 May +55.0° +7.4° 4
Camelopardalis (Cam) Giraffe JFMAMJJASOND 22 December +86.1° +52.7° 12
Cancer (Cnc) Crab JFMAM...SOND 28 January +33.1° +6.5° 5
Canes Venatici (CVn) Hunting Dogs JFMAMJJASOND 9 April +52.4° +27.8° 17
Canis Minor (CMi) Lesser Dog JFMAM...SOND 12 January +13.2° -0.4° 3
Capricornus (Cap) Sea Goat ....MJJASOND 5 August -8.4° -27.6° 1
Cassiopeia (Cas) Seated Queen JFMAMJJASOND 10 October +77.7° +46.7° 43
Cepheus (Cep) King JFMAMJJASOND 26 August +88.7° +53.4° 31
Cetus (Cet) Sea Monster JF....JASOND 19 October +10.5° -24.9° 12
Coma Berenices (Com) Bernice's Hair JFMAMJJASOND 1 April +33.3° +13.3° 24
Corona Borealis (CrB) Northern Crown JFMAMJJASOND 22 May +39.7° +25.5°
Cygnus (Cyg) Swan JFMAMJJASOND 31 July +61.4° +27.7° 43
Delphinus (Del) Dolphin JFMAMJJASOND 31 July +20.9° +2.4° 5
Draco (Dra) Dragon JFMAMJJASOND 18 June +86.5° +47.5° 7
Equuleus (Equ) Little Horse J.MAMJJASOND 8 August +13.0° +2.5°
Eridanus (Eri) River JFM.....SOND 24 November +0.4° -57.9° 2
Fornax (For) Furnace JF......SOND 7 November -23.8° -39.5° 4
Gemini (Gem) Twins JFMAM...SOND 7 January +35.4° +9.8° 12
Hercules (Her) Hercules JFMAMJJASOND 12 June +51.3° +3.7° 8
Lacerta (Lac) Lizard JFMAMJJASOND 29 August +56.9° +35.2° 3
Leo Minor (LMi) Lesser Lion JFMAMJJ.SOND 22 February +41.4° +22.8° 6
Lepus (Lep) Hare JFM.....SOND 15 December -10.8° -27.3° 4
Lynx (Lyn) Lynx JFMAMJJASOND 17 January +62.0° +33.0° 11
Lyra (Lyr) Lyre JFMAMJJASOND 3 July +47.7° +25.7° 7
Microscopium (Mic) Microscope ......JASON. 4 August -27.5° -45.1°
Monoceros (Mon) Unicorn JFMA....SOND 2 January +11.9° -11.4° 19
Ophiuchus (Oph) Serpent Bearer JFMAMJJASON. 9 June +14.4° -30.2° 37
Orion (Ori) Hunter JFMA...ASOND 15 December +22.9° -11.0° 26
Pegasus (Peg) Winged Horse JF.AMJJASOND 5 September +36.6° +2.3° 19
Perseus (Per) Hero JFMAMJJASOND 17 November +59.1° +30.9° 21
Pisces (Psc) Fishes JF...JJASOND 5 October +33.7° -6.3° 7
Piscis Austrinus (PsA) Southern Fish ......JASOND 25 August -24.8° -36.5°
Sagitta (Sge) Arrow JFMAMJJASOND 16 July +21.6° +16.1° 4
Sagittarius (Sgr) Archer ...AMJJASON. 5 July -11.7° -45.3° 51
Sculptor (Scl) Sculptor J......ASOND 1 October -24.8° -39.4° 5
Scutum (Sct) Shield .FMAMJJASON. 1 July -3.8° -15.9° 7
Serpens (Ser) Serpent JFMAMJJASO.D 18 May +25.7° -16.1° 9
Taurus (Tau) Bull JFMA...ASOND 29 November +31.1° -1.3° 13
Triangulum (Tri) Triangle JFM..JJASOND 27 October +37.3° +25.6° 7
Ursa Maior (UMa) Great Bear JFMAMJJASOND 27 February +73.1° +28.3° 26
Ursa Minor (UMi) Little Bear JFMAMJJASOND 11 May +90.0° +65.4°
Vulpecula (Vul) Fox JFMAMJJASOND 26 July +29.5° +19.4° 17

Legend: Season = Visibility of the constellation from the current geographic location ("." = not visible, JFMAMJJASOND = months). Culm@Mn = Culmination at local midnight. The approximate centre of the constellation and the Sun re on the opposite side of the sky, which means it is at its highest point in the sky at local midnight, when the Sun is lowest below the horizon. Dec N = Northern extent of the IAU constellation boundaries (J2000.0). Dec S = Southern extent of the IAU constellation boundaries (J2000.0). DSO = Number of pages with described deep-sky objects.