Constellations in May

The following 41 constellations are visible in the month of May at a geographical latitude of +46.8° and their centre reaches at least 5° above the horizon during the night (between the end and beginning of astronomical twilight). → Settings

IAU Name English Name Season Opposition Declination DSO
Andromeda (And) Chained Maiden JFMAMJJASOND 4 October +53.2° … +21.7° 26
Aquila (Aql) Eagle .FMAMJJASOND 14 July +18.7° … -11.9° 21
Auriga (Aur) Charioteer JFMAM.JASOND 19 December +56.2° … +27.9° 19
Bootes (Boo) Herdsman JFMAMJJASOND 2 May +55.0° … +7.4° 4
Camelopardalis (Cam) Giraffe JFMAMJJASOND 21 December +86.1° … +52.7° 12
Cancer (Cnc) Crab JFMAM...SOND 27 January +33.1° … +6.5° 5
Canes Venatici (CVn) Hunting Dogs JFMAMJJASOND 8 April +52.4° … +27.8° 17
Canis Minor (CMi) Lesser Dog JFMAM...SOND 12 January +13.2° … -0.4° 3
Capricornus (Cap) Sea Goat ....MJJASOND 4 August -8.4° … -27.6° 1
Cassiopeia (Cas) Seated Queen JFMAMJJASOND 8 October +77.7° … +46.7° 43
Cepheus (Cep) King JFMAMJJASOND 25 August +88.7° … +53.4° 30
Coma Berenices (Com) Bernice's Hair JFMAMJJASOND 30 March +33.3° … +13.3° 24
Corona Borealis (CrB) Northern Crown JFMAMJJASOND 21 May +39.7° … +25.5°
Corvus (Crv) Crow JFMAMJ....ND 26 March -11.7° … -25.2° 3
Crater (Crt) Cup JFMAM.....ND 10 March -6.7° … -25.2°
Cygnus (Cyg) Swan JFMAMJJASOND 29 July +61.4° … +27.7° 41
Delphinus (Del) Dolphin JFMAMJJASOND 29 July +20.9° … +2.4° 5
Draco (Dra) Dragon JFMAMJJASOND 16 June +86.5° … +47.5° 7
Equuleus (Equ) Little Horse J.MAMJJASOND 7 August +13.0° … +2.5°
Gemini (Gem) Twins JFMAM...SOND 6 January +35.4° … +9.8° 12
Hercules (Her) Hercules JFMAMJJASOND 10 June +51.3° … +3.7° 8
Hydra (Hya) Female Water Snake JFMAM.....ND 21 February +6.6° … -35.7° 11
Lacerta (Lac) Lizard JFMAMJJASOND 28 August +56.9° … +35.2° 3
Leo (Leo) Lion JFMAMJ...OND 27 February +33.0° … -6.7° 17
Leo Minor (LMi) Lesser Lion JFMAMJJ.SOND 21 February +41.4° … +22.8° 6
Libra (Lib) Scales JFMAMJJA.... 10 May -0.5° … -30.0° 3
Lynx (Lyn) Lynx JFMAMJJASOND 17 January +62.0° … +33.0° 11
Lyra (Lyr) Lyre JFMAMJJASOND 2 July +47.7° … +25.7° 7
Ophiuchus (Oph) Serpent Bearer JFMAMJJASON. 8 June +14.4° … -30.2° 37
Pegasus (Peg) Winged Horse JF.AMJJASOND 4 September +36.6° … +2.3° 19
Perseus (Per) Hero JFMAMJJASOND 16 November +59.1° … +30.9° 21
Sagitta (Sge) Arrow JFMAMJJASOND 14 July +21.6° … +16.1° 4
Sagittarius (Sgr) Archer ...AMJJASON. 3 July -11.7° … -45.3° 51
Scorpius (Sco) Scorpion .FMAMJJ..... 1 June -8.3° … -45.8° 18
Scutum (Sct) Shield .FMAMJJASON. 30 June -3.8° … -15.9° 7
Serpens (Ser) Serpent JFMAMJJASO.D 17 May +25.7° … -16.1° 9
Sextans (Sex) Sextant JFMAM....OND 19 February +6.4° … -11.7° 5
Ursa Maior (UMa) Great Bear JFMAMJJASOND 27 February +73.1° … +28.3° 26
Ursa Minor (UMi) Little Bear JFMAMJJASOND 9 May +90.0° … +65.4° 1
Virgo (Vir) Maiden JFMAMJJ...ND 10 April +14.4° … -22.7° 36
Vulpecula (Vul) Fox JFMAMJJASOND 24 July +29.5° … +19.4° 17

Season: Visibility of the constellation from the current geographic location ("." = not visible, JFMAMJJASOND = months). Opposition: The center of the constellation is in opposition to the Sun on this day, i. e., it is at its highest point in the sky at local midnight. — Declination: Northern and southern extent of the IAU constellation boundaries. — DSO: Number of described deep-sky objects.