Lower's Nebula (Sh 2-261)

Sh 2-261
Sh 2-261: Lower's Nebula (also known as "the Eye of Ra") in Orion; SW Esprit 100ED, ZWO ASI2600MM Pro; 36h, 435 x 300s (SHO); Backyard, Zürich Witikon; © 01-08. 13. 2025 Basilio Noris [713]
Lower's Nebula
Lower's Nebula: H-II region in Orion; TS 115mm f/7 refractor, ASI 2600 MC Pro, Optolong L-Ultimate; 78 x 300s; Oberbaselbiet; © 2025 Jörg Studer


This nebula was discovered in 1939 by H. A. Lower using an 8-inch f/1 Schmidt camera with Agfa Superpan Press film and exposure time of 20 minutes. Hence the nickname Lower's Nebula. [710]

Same nebula appeared also in other catalogues: In 1946 the Swedish astronomer Sven Cederblad published a study of bright diffuse galactic nebulae where he listed this nebula as Cederblad 64. [130] In 1950 German astronomer Wolfgang Strohmeier did a photographic survey of the winter Milky Way using a Schneider Xenone 1:2 lenses with 125 mm focal length. He listed this nebula as number 31 (Strohmeier 31) with a size of 10x8 arcminutes. [40] In the early 1950s the Russian astronomers Grigory Abramovich Shajn and Vera Fedorovna Gaze at the Simeis Observatory on the Crimean Peninsula listed this nebul as Simeis 34. [402] In 1959 American astronomer Stewart Sharpless published his second catalogue of 313 H-II regions and listed there this nebula as Sh 2-261. [310] In 1965 Beverly T. Lynds published her «Catalogue of Bright Nebulae» that she found on photo plates of the same sky survey. She listed this nebula with three entries: LBN 862, LBN 863 and LBN 864. [270]

Physical Properties

Data from Simbad [145]
Name Type RA
Sh 2-261 HII 06h 08m 44s +15° 40' 30" 4P 7; GAL 194.2-02.0; GRS G194.20 -02.00; LBN 194.10-01.93; LBN 863; NAME Lower's Nebula; SH 2-261; SIM 34; [LPH96] 194.070-1.846
LBN 862 HII 06h 09m 00s +15° 48' 00" LBN 194.05-01.91; LBN 862
LBN 864 HII 06h 08m 52s +15° 42' 18" 42.933334351 × 42.933334351 LBN 194.20-01.99; LBN 864; [ABB2014] WISE G194.138-01.996

Finder Chart

The H-II region Sh 2-261 is located in the constellation Orion. It is best observed in the months of August to April.

Orion: Lower's Nebula (Sh 2-261)
Finder Chart Lower's Nebula (Sh 2-261)
17:24 | 58.9°
Charts created using SkySafari 6 Pro and STScI Digitized Sky Survey. Limiting magnitudes: Constellation chart ~6.5 mag, DSS2 close-ups ~20 mag. Times are shown for timezone UTC, Latitude 46.7996°, Longitude 8.23225°, Horizon height 5°, Date 2025-03-25. [149, 160]

Objects Within a Radius of 10°
