Jewel Box, Kappa Crucis Cluster (NGC 4755)

Crux: Constellation Southern Cross with Coalsack and Jewel Box (NGC 4755); Canon EF 85 mm f/1.8 USM at f/4.0; Canon EOS 20Da; Astro-Physics 1200GTO; 38x5 min @ 800 ASA; Namibia, Tivoli Southern Sky Guest Farm, 1360 m AMSL; © 4. 6. 2011 Manuel Jung [45]

Physical Properties

Revised+Historic NGC/IC Version 22/9, © 2022 Dr. Wolfgang Steinicke [277]
Name RA Dec Type vMag Dim MD Dreyer Description Identification, Remarks
NGC 4755 12 53 39.0 -60 21 42 OCL (I3r) 4.2 10 1.976 Cl, vL, st vB (κ Crucis) h 3435; GC 3275; OCL 892; ESO 131-SC16; Jewel Box, Kappa Cru cluster
NGC 4852 13 00 09.0 -59 36 48 OCL (II2p) 8.9 12 1.330 Cl, L, pRi, iR, st 10 h 3449; GC 3335; OCL 894; ESO 131-SC17

Finder Chart

The open cluster NGC 4755 is located in the constellation Crux. About 1° northeast of it is the cluster NGC 4852 and between these two is the IAU constellation boundary to the constellation Centaurus. Both clusters are not visible from Europe. On 4 April NGC 4755 is in opposition with the Sun and is therefore highest in the sky at local midnight.

Centaurus: Jewel Box, Kappa Crucis Cluster (NGC 4755)
Finder Chart Jewel Box, Kappa Crucis Cluster (NGC 4755)
00:09 | -17.2°
Charts created using SkySafari 6 Pro and STScI Digitized Sky Survey. Limiting magnitudes: Constellation chart ~6.5 mag, DSS2 close-ups ~20 mag. Times are shown for timezone UTC, Latitude 46.7996°, Longitude 8.23225°, Horizon height 5°, Date 2025-03-25. [149, 160]

Objects Within a Radius of 20°
