
Leo Minor / Yale Bright Star Catalog (HR)

«Yale Bright Star Catalogue, 5th Revised Ed.» Hoffleit D., Warren Jr W.H., 1991 [154]
HR B F DM HD SAO FK5 IR M* ADS VarID RA Dec vMag spType dMag Sep Remarks
HR 3727 BD+37 1978 81039 61456 2748 09 24 22.5 +36 35 13 6.67 F0V
HR 3764 7 BD+34 1999 82087 61529 2755 W 09 30 43.2 +33 39 20 5.85 gG8 3.3 62.8
HR 3769 8 BD+35 2015 82198 61540 I 4510 09 31 32.4 +35 06 11 5.37 M1IIIab
HR 3791 9 BD+37 1998 82522 61561 09 33 30.3 +36 29 13 6.18 gK4
HR 3800 10 BD+37 2004 82635 61570 360 I SU LMi 09 34 13.4 +36 23 51 4.55 G8.5III D:Suspected double unconfirmed by speckle interferometry.,VAR:Amp. 0.012y, 40.4d. Possibly rotational modulation from active regions.
HR 3815 11 BD+36 1979 82885 61586 7441 SV LMi 09 35 39.6 +35 48 37 5.41 G8V 8.5 3.3 D:Binary?,DYN:0.14".,VAR:Amp. 0.033y, 18.0d, possibly due to rotational modulation.
HR 3857 13 BD+35 2042 83951 61648 2776 09 42 42.7 +35 05 36 6.14 F3V
HR 3928 19 BD+41 2033 86146 43115 374 09 57 41.1 +41 03 20 5.14 F6V s SB:9.2847d, K 17.8k/s, V0 -8.8k/s, asini 2.267. Alternate orbit 9.28347d, K 18.9k/s, V0 -8.9k/s,,SB:msin3i 0.048, asini 2.41.
HR 3951 20 BD+32 1964 86728 61808 1258 W 10 01 00.7 +31 55 25 5.36 G3VaHdel 1 3.2 407. D:Fainter component is BD+32d1968. Probably optical.
HR 3974 21 BD+35 2110 87696 61874 2812 4736 10 07 25.8 +35 14 41 4.48 A7V G:Sirius group; UMa stream.,VAR:Delta Sct? 4.47 - 4.52V, about 0.1d.
HR 3979 BD+32 1982 87822 61882 7651 10 08 15.9 +31 36 15 6.24 F4V 0.3 0.2 D:ABxC, CPM. C is 13.0v at 28".
HR 3987 BD+41 2063 88161 43220 10 10 58.9 +40 39 41 6.32 gK3
HR 3993 BD+38 2110 88231 61914 2817 I 4764 10 11 12.8 +37 24 07 5.85 gK3
HR 4014 22 BD+32 2005 88786 61953 10 15 06.3 +31 28 05 6.46 R G8III
HR 4024 23 BD+30 1981 88960 81258 2823 10 16 14.4 +29 18 38 5.35 A0Vn G:Hyades group.
HR 4027 24 BD+29 2021 88986 81259 10 16 28.1 +28 40 57 6.49 G0V
HR 4075 27 BD+34 2120 89904 62010 1267 10 23 06.3 +33 54 29 5.90 A6V
HR 4078 BD+30 2005 89993 81328 10 23 41.8 +29 36 57 6.39 G8III
HR 4081 28 BD+34 2123 90040 62019 I 10 24 08.6 +33 43 07 5.50 gK1
HR 4090 30 BD+34 2128 90277 62038 10 25 54.9 +33 47 46 4.74 F0V
HR 4100 β 31 BD+37 2080 90537 62053 390 I 7780 10 27 53.0 +36 42 26 4.21 G9IIIab 1.7 0.5 D:4.40 G8III-IV, 6.12 F8V, 37.92y, a = 0.340". Combined mag., colors.,DYN:0.017".,SB:ADS 7780A, 37.9y, K 3.2k/s, V0 +5.7k/s, asini 476. Masses 2.1 and 0.5 solar.
HR 4113 32 BD+39 2357 90840 62076 10 30 06.4 +38 55 31 5.77 A4V
HR 4124 33 BD+33 1999 91130 62101 7813 10 31 51.4 +32 22 46 5.90 A0IV 6.6 43.3 D:Optical.
HR 4137 34 BD+35 2154 91365 62121 10 33 30.9 +34 59 19 5.58 R A2Vn
HR 4150 35 BD+37 2100 91752 62147 10 36 21.4 +36 19 37 6.28 F3V
HR 4166 37 BD+32 2061 92125 62173 1275 I 10 38 43.2 +31 58 34 4.71 G2.5IIa
HR 4168 38 BD+38 2166 92168 62178 2852 10 39 07.6 +37 54 36 5.85 F9V SB:7.7991499d, K 24.1k/s, V0 +6.1k/s, asini 2.58. Companion dM?
HR 4184 BD+32 2066 92620 62206 I W RX LMi 10 42 11.3 +31 41 49 6.02 M4III 4.0 112.5 G:Wolf 630 group.,VAR:SRb 5.98 - 6.16V, 150d.
HR 4189 40 BD+27 1927 92769 81485 7899 10 43 01.8 +26 19 32 5.51 A4Vn 6.3 18.4 D:Companions optical.
HR 4192 41 BD+23 2253 92825 81490 405 10 43 25.0 +23 11 18 5.08 A3Vn
HR 4203 42 BD+31 2180 93152 62236 407 W 10 45 51.9 +30 40 56 5.24 A1Vn 2.8 198.1
HR 4223 43 BD+30 2072 93636 81533 10 48 57.2 +29 24 57 6.15 sgK1
HR 4230 44 BD+28 1931 93765 81542 2863 10 49 53.7 +27 58 26 6.04 F3V
HR 4247 46 BD+34 2172 94264 62297 412 I 4999 10 53 18.7 +34 12 54 3.83 K0+III-IV G:Wolf 630 group.,N:Praecipua.
HR 4254 48 BD+26 2147 94480 81576 10 54 42.2 +25 29 27 6.20 A8V S:Also classified F0III.
HR 4270 50 BD+26 2152 94747 81591 10 56 34.4 +25 30 00 6.35 K0


Key to columns [154]
HR Harvard Revised Number = Bright Star Number
B Bayer designation (greek letter)
F Flamsteed number
DM Durchmusterung Identification (BD = Bonn; CD = Cordoba; CP = Cape Photographic)
HD Henry Draper Catalog Number
SAO SAO Catalog Number
FK5 FK5 star Number
IR I if infrared source
M* Double or multiple-star code. (A = Astrometric binary; D = Duplicity discovered by occultation; I = Innes, Southern Double Star Catalogue (1927); R = Rossiter, Michigan Publ. 9, 1955; S = Duplicity discovered by speckle interferometry; W = Worley (1978) update of the IDS;)
ADS Aitken's Double Star Catalog (ADS) designation
VarID Variable star identification
RA Right Ascension (J2000.0)
Dec Declination (J2000.0)
vMag Visual magnitude
spType Spectral type
dMag Magnitude difference of double, or brightest multiple
Sep Separation of components in Dmag if occultation binary (arcsec)
Remarks Note on Category (C = Colors; D = Double and multiple stars; DYN = Dynamical parallaxes; G = Group membership; M = Miscellaneous; N = Star names; P = Polarization; R = Stellar radii or diameters; RV = Radial and/or rotational velocities; S = Spectra; SB = Spectroscopic binaries; VAR = Variability)
