The following people contributed to the Deep-Sky Corner. Many thanks to everyone for the submitted object descriptions, photos and drawings.
Philipp Reza Heck
Drawings (15)
Hickson 44
Messier 63
NGC 1501
NGC 2022
NGC 2261
NGC 2346
NGC 2371/2
NGC 2392
NGC 2438
NGC 2440
NGC 3242
NGC 6309
NGC 6781
NGC 6905
NGC 7662
Pages with Object Descriptions (19)
- Abell 70 with Galaxy PMN J2033-0656
- Blackeye Galaxy (Messier 64)
- Blue Snowball (NGC 7662)
- Box Nebula (NGC 6309)
- Butterfly Nebula (NGC 2346)
- Cluster M 46 with Planetary Nebula NGC 2438
- Cocktail (NGC 6905)
- Crescent Nebula (NGC 6888) & Soap Bubble Nebula (Ju 1)
- Eskimo Nebula, Clown Face Nebula (NGC 2392)
- Galaxy Group Hickson 44
- Ghost of Jupiter (NGC 3242)
- Hubbles variable Nebula (NGC 2261)
- Insect Nebula (NGC 2440)
- Oyster Nebula (NGC 1501)
- Peanut Nebula (NGC 2371/2)
- Planetary Nebula NGC 2022
- Planetary Nebula NGC 6781
- Sunflower Galaxy (Messier 63)
- Thor's Helmet, Duck Nebula (NGC 2359)