
Cancer / Galactic Planetary Nebulae (PNG)

«Strasbourg-ESO Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae» Acker et al., 1992 [141]
PNG RA Dec Main ID PK IRAS Discoverer Identities oDiam rDiam Dist
C* Name C* Mag C* SP Type
PN G208.5+33.2 08 46 54 +17 52 33 A 30 208+33.1 08440+1803 ABELL 1964 127. 0.90 40.0 (O-III) AG82 107, CSI +18 -08440, UBV 8495 U: 13.32, B: 14.32, V: 14.38 O VI, Of/WR(C)?
PN G211.9+22.6 08 11 15 +10 57 02 EGB 5 ELLIS et al 1984 170. AG82 98bis, EQ 0808 +11 B: 14.26, V: 14.27 Hg O(H)
PN G219.1+31.2 08 54 13 +8 53 59 A 31 219+31.1 08515+0905 ABELL 1955 A55 20, ARO 135, Sh 2-290, VV' 81 970. +41.0 10.0 (O-III) 35. (N-II) AG82 109, CSI +09 -08515, FB 53, UBV 8615 U: 13.92, B: 15.20, V: 15.51 sd O6, Hg O(H)


Key to columns [141]
PNG Designation of the Galactic Planetary Nebula
RA Right ascension (epoch J2000)
Dec Declination (epoch J2000)
Main ID Main designation
PK Designation in PK67
IRAS Designation in IRAS catalogue
Discoverer Discoverer name and publication year
Identities Other names separated by commas
oDiam Optical diameter (arcsec)
rDiam Radio diameter (arcsec)
Dist Distance in kiloparsecs
Rvel Radial Velocity (km/s)
ExpVel Expansion velocity (km/s)
C* Name Central star names
C* Mag Central star magnitudes
C* SP Type Central star spectral type
