Aquarius / Galactic Planetary Nebulae (PNG)
PNG | RA | Dec | Main ID | PK | IRAS | Discoverer | Identities | oDiam | rDiam | Dist (kpc) |
Rvel (km/s) |
ExpVel (km/s) |
C* Name | C* Mag | C* SP Type |
PN G036.1-57.1 | 22 29 39 | -20 50 15 | NGC 7293 | 36-57.1 | 22267-2102 | CURTIS 1918 | ARO 17, VV 275, VV' 563 | 980. | 660. | 0.30 | -28.2 ± 3.0 | 14.0 (O-III) 24. (N-II) | AG82 441, CSI -21 -22270, GCRV 14134, PLX 5437, USNO 271, WD 2201 -21. 1 | U: 11.81, B: 13.10, V: 13.50 | Hg O(H) |
PN G037.7-34.5 | 21 04 11 | -11 21 57 | NGC 7009 | 37-34.1 | 21014-1133 | HERSCHEL 1782 | ARO 16, VV 259, VV' 541, EM* CDS 1211 | 28.5 | 0.60 | -44.0 ± 3.0 | 20.6 (O-III) 20.0 (N-II) | AG82 419, BD -11 5511, GCRV 13233, HD 200516, TD1 27614 | B: 12.66, V: 12.78 | O(H) |
PNG | Designation of the Galactic Planetary Nebula |
RA | Right ascension (epoch J2000) |
Dec | Declination (epoch J2000) |
Main ID | Main designation |
PK | Designation in PK67 |
IRAS | Designation in IRAS catalogue |
Discoverer | Discoverer name and publication year |
Identities | Other names separated by commas |
oDiam | Optical diameter (arcsec) |
rDiam | Radio diameter (arcsec) |
Dist | Distance in kiloparsecs |
Rvel | Radial Velocity (km/s) |
ExpVel | Expansion velocity (km/s) |
C* Name | Central star names |
C* Mag | Central star magnitudes |
C* SP Type | Central star spectral type |