Sagitta / Principal Galaxies Catalogue (PGC)
PGC | RA | Dec | Type | Dim | Btot | HRV | PA | Names |
PGC 62651 | 18 59 36.3 | +19 25 36 | S | 1.2 x .8 | 14.8 | 3111 | 25 | UGC 11385, MCG 3-48-2, IRAS 18574+1921 |
PGC 62854 | 19 10 24.7 | +19 34 21 | 3880 | |||||
PGC 64467 | 20 18 58.0 | +17 51 27 | M | 15.3 | CGCG 447-1 |
PGC | PGC Number |
RA | Right Ascension (B2000.0) |
Dec | Declination (B2000.0) |
mType | Morphological type class |
Dim | Diameter (arcmin) |
Btot | Apparent total magnitude |
HRV | Heliocentric Radial Velocity (km/s) |
PA | Position Angle from North eastward in 1950 frame (°) |
Names | Name of the galaxy in other sources |