
Scorpius / New General & Index Catalogue (NGC/IC)

Planetary Nebulae

Revised+Historic NGC/IC Version 22/9, © 2022 Dr. Wolfgang Steinicke [277]
Name RA Dec Type bMag vMag Dim MD Dreyer Description Identification, Remarks
NGC 6072 16 12 58.2 -36 13 46 PN 14.1 11.7 1.63 1.017 pF, R, vgvlbM, r PK 342+10.1; ESO 389-PN15; AM 1609-360; CS=17.5
NGC 6153 16 31 30.6 -40 15 11 PN 11.5 10.9 0.4 1.362 planetary, stellar PK 341+5.1; ESO 331-PN6; AM 1628-400
NGC 6302 17 13 44.1 -37 06 12 PN 12.8 9.6 1.48 1.227 pB, E pf (Swift: triple) PK 349+1.1; ESO 392-PN5; Sh2-6; Bug nebula
NGC 6337 17 22 15.7 -38 28 59 PN 11.9 12.3 0.85 1.844 !!! annular, eF, S, am st PK 349-1.1; ESO 333-PN5; AM 1718-382; CS=14.8
IC 4599 16 19 23.2 -42 15 34 PN 12.4 0.25 Planetary, 15 mag PK 338+5.1; ESO 331-PN1; AM 1615-420
IC 4637 17 05 10.4 -40 53 05 PN 13.6 12.5 0.37 1.326 Planetary, stellar PK 345+0.1; ESO 332-PN21; CS=12.3
IC 4663 17 45 28.7 -44 54 16 PN 13.1 12.5 0.33 3.500 Planetary, stell PK 346-8.1; ESO 279-PN6; CS=14.0

Galactic Nebulae

Revised+Historic NGC/IC Version 22/9, © 2022 Dr. Wolfgang Steinicke [277]
Name RA Dec Type Dim MD Dreyer Description Identification, Remarks
NGC 6334 17 20 48.0 -36 06 12 EN 35 × 20 1.700 cF, vL, icE, vglbf, * 8 inv ESO 392-EN9; Sh2-8; CED 140
NGC 6357 17 24 43.5 -34 12 05 EN+OCL 25 × 25 1.800 F, L, E, vglbM, D * inv ESO 392-SC10; CED 142; Sh2-11
IC 4591 16 12 18.0 -27 55 40 RN+* 12 × 10 * 5.6 in F neb LBN 1096; ESO 451-*N16
IC 4592 16 11 59.6 -19 27 35 RN+* 150 × 60 0.120 vL, E, ν2 Scorpii inv LBN 1113; ESO 584-N*6; CED 128
IC 4601 16 20 18.0 -20 04 54 RN+* 20 × 10 0.143 2 st 8 in eL, dif neb, lE npsf ESO 585-*N1; CED 129C
IC 4605 16 30 12.5 -25 06 53 RN+* 30 × 30 0.120 * 7 in eF, vL neb LBN 1110; ESO 517-*N8; CED 133
IC 4628 16 57 00.0 -40 27 24 EN 90 × 60 1.850 F, eL, E pf, dif ESO 332-EN14

Open Clusters

Revised+Historic NGC/IC Version 22/9, © 2022 Dr. Wolfgang Steinicke [277]
Name RA Dec Type bMag vMag Dim MD Dreyer Description Identification, Remarks
NGC 6124 16 25 17.2 -40 40 01 OCL (II3m) 5.8 40 0.470 Cl, B, L, pRi, lCM, st 9…11 OCL 990; ESO 331-SC3
NGC 6178 16 35 50.8 -45 38 48 OCL (I3p) 7.2 5 1.014 Cl, B, S, st pL OCL 980; ESO 276-SC6
NGC 6192 16 40 20.8 -43 21 55 OCL (I2p) 8.5 9 1.547 Cl, pL, pRi, iR, st 11…14 OCL 988; ESO 277-SC3
NGC 6216 16 49 23.5 -44 43 53 OCL (II2p) 10.1 4 4.300 Cl, pS, pRi, pC, st 12…15 OCL 989; ESO 277-SC14
NGC 6231 16 54 09.8 -41 49 30 OCL (I3p) 2.8 2.6 14 1.250 Cl, B, cL, pRi, st 10…13 OCL 997; ESO 332-SC6
NGC 6242 16 55 30.6 -39 28 01 OCL (I3m) 6.4 9 1.131 Cl, B, L, Ri, st 8…11 OCL 1001; ESO 332-SC10
NGC 6249 16 57 41.7 -44 48 17 OCL (II1p) 8.2 6 0.981 Cl, pRi, vlC, iF, st L & S OCL 994; ESO 277-SC19
NGC 6259 17 00 45.3 -44 39 18 OCL (III2m) 8.0 15 1.031 ! Cl, B, vL, vRi, st 11… NGC 6222; OCL 996; ESO 277-SC22
NGC 6268 17 02 04.1 -39 43 16 OCL (II2p) 9.5 6 1.029 Cl, B, pL, cRi, st 10… OCL 1002; ESO 332-SC17
NGC 6281 17 04 47.2 -37 53 16 OCL (II2p) 5.4 8 0.494 Cl, L, pRi, lC, st 9…11 OCL 1003; ESO 332-SC19
NGC 6318 17 16 13.4 -39 25 26 OCL (III2p) 11.8 5 2.220 Cl, pL, Ri, R, gbM, st 12…14 OCL 1004; ESO 333-SC1
NGC 6322 17 18 25.7 -42 56 02 OCL (I2p) 6.0 5 0.995 Cl, vL, pRi, lC (place of * nf) OCL 1000; ESO 278-SC6
NGC 6383 17 34 42.2 -32 34 54 OCL (IV3p) 5.6 5.5 20 0.985 Cl, st 13, * 6·7 in M NGC 6374; OCL 1026; ESO 393-SC7
NGC 6396 17 37 36.2 -35 01 33 OCL (II3p) 8.5 3 1.192 Cl, pL, lRi, lC OCL 1018; ESO 393-SC10
NGC 6400 17 40 12.0 -36 57 42 OCL (II2m) 8.8 12 0.950 Cl, pL, pRi, iR, st 9…10 OCL 1014; ESO 393-SC14
NGC 6404 17 39 37.3 -33 14 48 OCL (III3m) 10.6 6 1.820 Cl, F, L, pRi, lC, st 13…15 OCL 1024; ESO 393-SC13
NGC 6405 17 40 20.0 -32 15 30 OCL (III2p) 4.5 4.2 33 0.487 Cl, L, iR, lC, st 7, 10… M 6; OCL 1030; ESO 455-SC30; Butterfly cluster
NGC 6416 17 44 19.9 -32 21 40 OCL (IV1p) 5.7 15 0.741 Cl, vL, Ri, lC OCL 1031; ESO 455-SC32
NGC 6425 17 47 00.0 -31 31 48 OCL (I1p) 7.2 10 0.778 Cl, pS, lRi, lC, st 10…12 OCL 1033; ESO 455-SC38
NGC 6444 17 49 35.1 -34 49 11 OCL (III2m) 12 0.560 Cl, vL, vRi, st 12…13 OCL 1023; ESO 393-SC30
NGC 6451 17 50 40.5 -30 12 42 OCL (II1p) 8.2 8 2.080 Cl, pL, pRi, bifid, st 12… OCL 1035; ESO 455-SC50
NGC 6475 17 53 50.0 -34 47 36 OCL (II2r) 3.5 3.3 75 0.300 Cl, vB, pRi, lC, st 7…12 M 7; OCL 1028; ESO 394-SC9; Ptolemy's cluster

Globular Clusters

Revised+Historic NGC/IC Version 22/9, © 2022 Dr. Wolfgang Steinicke [277]
Name RA Dec Type vMag Dim MD Dreyer Description Identification, Remarks
NGC 6093 16 17 02.5 -22 58 28 GCL (II) 7.3 10 10.000 !! globular, vB, L, vmbM (var *), rrr, st 14 M 80; GCL 39; ESO 516-SC11
NGC 6121 16 23 35.5 -26 31 29 GCL (IX) 5.4 36 2.200 Cl, 8 or 10 B st in line, with 5 st, rrr M 4; GCL 41; ESO 517-SC1
NGC 6139 16 27 40.4 -38 50 54 GCL (II) 9.1 8.2 10.100 B, pL, R, psbM, rr GCL 43; ESO 331-SC4
NGC 6144 16 27 14.1 -26 01 27 GCL (XI) 9.0 7.4 8.900 Cl, cL, mC, gbM, rrr IC 4606; GCL 42; ESO 517-SC6
NGC 6256 16 59 32.6 -37 07 15 GCL 11.3 4.1 10.300 globular, vF, vL, iR, vgbM, rrr GCL 49.1; ESO 391-SC6; vdB-Hagen 208
NGC 6380 17 34 28.0 -39 04 07 GCL 11.5 3.6 10.900 eF, pS, lE, * 9 att GCL 68; ESO 333-SC14
NGC 6388 17 36 17.0 -44 44 04 GCL (III) 6.8 10.4 9.900 globular, vB, L, R, pg, psvmbM, rrr, st 17… GCL 70; ESO 279-SC2
NGC 6441 17 50 12.9 -37 03 02 GCL (III) 7.2 9.6 11.600 globular, vB, pL, R, vgmbM, rrr, st 18 GCL 78; ESO 393-SC34
NGC 6453 17 50 51.8 -34 35 53 GCL (IV) 10.2 7.6 11.600 cL, iR, pmbM, r GCL 79; ESO 393-SC36
NGC 6496 17 59 02.0 -44 15 52 GCL (XII) 8.6 5.6 11.300 Neb + Cl, pL, mE, gvlbM GCL 80; ESO 279-SC13


Revised+Historic NGC/IC Version 22/9, © 2022 Dr. Wolfgang Steinicke [277]
Name RA Dec Type bMag vMag B-V SB Dim PA z D(z) MD Dreyer Description Identification, Remarks
NGC 6000 15 49 49.4 -29 23 13 Gx (SBbc) 12.7 11.9 0.8 12.9 1.9 × 1.6 154 0.007315 30.90 32.650 vF, S, R, sbM ESO 450-20; MCG -5-37-3; IRAS 15467-2914
IC 4596 16 16 03.6 -22 37 29 Gx (SBab) 14.8 14.0 0.8 13.3 1.5 × 0.5 54 0.025451 107.5 F, S, mE 40°, mbMN, prob spir ESO 516-9; MCG -4-38-5
IC 4597 16 17 39.7 -34 21 58 Gx (S0-a) 14.6 13.7 0.9 13.7 1.2 × 1 120 0.014487 61.19 bM, magn 14 ESO 380-2; IRAS 16144-3414
IC 4598 16 18 13.2 -31 26 29 Gx (Sbc) 14.6 13.8 0.8 13.1 1.5 × 0.4 175 0.012262 51.79 47.180 Neb streak of F st, 1' ns ESO 451-18; IRAS 16150-3119
IC 4600 16 16 05.3 -22 46 59 Gx (S0-a) 16.4 15.5 0.9 13.4 0.4 × 0.4 0.026078 110.1 eF, eS, R ESO 516-10


Key to columns [277]
Name NGC/IC Designation
RA Right Ascension (J2000.0)
Dec Declination (J2000.0)
Type Object type
bMag Photographic (blue) magnitude
vMag Visual magnitude
B-V Difference of visual and blue magnitude
SB Surface brightness (mag/arcmin2)
Dim Dimensions (arcmin)
PA Position Angle (°)
z Redshift (from NED or LEDA)
D(z) Distance derived from z in Mpc, using D(z) = cz/H0, with Hubble Parameter H0 = 71 (km/s)/Mpc
MD Metric distance: for galaxies with S = 1, 6, 7 or 8 in Mpc (from NED); for other types with S = 2, 3, 4, or 5 in kpc
Dreyer Description See below
Identification, Remarks

Dreyer Description

Descriptions according to J.L.E. Dreyer [313, 314, 315]
ab about
alm almost
am among
annul annular or ring nebula
att attached
b brighter
bet between
biN binuclear
bn brightest to n side
bs brightest to s side
bp brightest to p side
bf brightest to f side
B bright
c considerably
chev chevelure
co coarse, coarsely
com cometic (cometary form)
comp companion
conn connected
cont in contact
C compressed
Cl cluster
d diameter
def defined
dif diffused
diffic difficult
dist distance, or distant
D double
e extremely, excessively
ee most extremely
er easily resolvable
exc excentric
E extended
f following (eastward)
F faint
g gradually
glob. globular
gr group
i irregular
iF irregular figure
inv involved, involving
l little (adv.); long (adj.)
L large
m much
m magnitude
M middle, or in the middle
n north
neb nebula
nebs nebulous
neby nebulosity
nf north following
np north preceding
ns north-south
nr near
N nucleus, or to a nucleus
p preceding (westward)
pf preceding-following
p pretty (adv., before F. B. L, S)
pg pretty gradually
pm pretty much
ps pretty suddenly
plan planetary nebula (same as PN)
prob probably
P poor (sparse) in stars
PN planetary nebula
r resolvable (mottled, not resolved)
rr partially resolved, some stars seen
rrr well resolved, clearly consisting of stars
R round
RR exactly round
Ri rich in stars
s suddenly (abruptly)
s south
sf south following
sp south preceding
sc scattered
sev several
st stars (pl.)
st 9... stars of 9th magnitude and fainter
st 9..13 stars of mag. 9 to 13
stell stellar, pointlike
susp suspected
S small in angular size
S* small (faint) star
trap trapezium
triangle triangle, forms a triangle with
triN trinuclear
v very
vv _very_
var variable
* a single star
*10 a star of 10th magnitude
*7-8 star of mag. 7 or 8
** double star (same as D*)
*** triple star
! remarkable
!! very much so
!!! a magnificent or otherwise interesting object


  • [277] Historische Deep-Sky Kataloge; Dr. Wolfgang Steinicke;; 2021-02-17
  • [313] A New General Catalogue of Nebulae and Clusters of Stars, being the Catalogue of the late Sir John F.W. Herschel, Bart., revised, corrected, and enlarged; Dreyer, J. L. E.; Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society. 49: 1–237 (1888); Bibcode:1888MmRAS..49....1D
  • [314] Index Catalogue of Nebulæ found in the years 1888 to 1894, with Notes and Corrections to the New General Catalogue; Dreyer, J. L. E.; Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 51, p.185; 1895; Bibcode:1895MmRAS..51..185D
  • [315] Second Index Catalogue of Nebulae and Clusters of Stars; containing objects found in the years 1895 to 1907, with Notes and Corrections to the New General Catalogue and to the Index Catalogue for 1888–94; Dreyer, J. L. E.; Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society. 59: 105–198 (1910); Bibcode:1910MmRAS..59..105D