
Grus / New General & Index Catalogue (NGC/IC)

Planetary Nebulae

Revised+Historic NGC/IC Version 22/9, © 2022 Dr. Wolfgang Steinicke [277]
Name RA Dec Type bMag vMag Dim MD Dreyer Description Identification, Remarks
IC 5150 21 59 35.1 -39 23 06 PN 12.9 11.0 2.2 0.920 pB, pL, annular IC 5148; PK 2-52.1; ESO 344-PN5; AM 2156-393


Revised+Historic NGC/IC Version 22/9, © 2022 Dr. Wolfgang Steinicke [277]
Name RA Dec Type bMag vMag B-V SB Dim PA z D(z) MD Dreyer Description Identification, Remarks
NGC 7070 21 30 25.2 -43 05 12 Gx (SBc) 12.8 12.3 0.5 13.7 2.4 × 1.9 22 0.007925 33.47 30.300 F, cL, lE, gvlbM ESO 287-28; MCG -7-44-16; AM 2127-431; IRAS 21272-4318
NGC 7070 A 21 31 47.0 -42 50 49 Gx (S0-a) 13.3 12.3 1.0 13.3 1.7 × 1.6 167 0.007976 33.69 F, cL, lE, gvlbM ESO 287-34; MCG -7-44-21; AM 2128-34
NGC 7072 21 30 37.0 -43 09 09 Gx (SBcd) 14.2 13.5 0.7 12.8 0.9 × 0.7 90 0.016538 69.86 F, S, R, vglbM, f of 2 ESO 287-31; MCG -7-44-18; IRAS 21273-4322
NGC 7072 A 21 30 25.6 -43 12 08 Gx (SBc) 14.3 13.9 0.4 12.9 0.8 × 0.6 125 0.016712 70.59 F, S, R, vglbM, f of 2 ESO 287-29; MCG -7-44-17
NGC 7075 21 31 32.9 -38 37 05 Gx (E3) 13.8 12.7 1.1 12.6 1.2 × 0.9 116 0.018479 78.05 71.850 cF, cS, R, pgbM ESO 343-4; MCG -7-44-20; AM 2128-385
NGC 7079 21 32 35.0 -44 04 03 Gx (SB0) 12.5 11.6 0.9 12.6 2 × 1.2 82 0.008953 37.82 33.900 B, R, cS, psbM ESO 287-36; MCG -7-44-22; AM 2129-441
NGC 7087 21 34 33.4 -40 49 06 Gx (Sab) 13.7 13.0 0.7 12.5 1.1 × 0.6 39 0.016968 71.67 cF, S, R, gbM ESO 343-8; MCG -7-44-25; AM 2131-410; IRAS 21314-4102
NGC 7091 21 34 07.7 -36 39 14 Gx (SBd) 13.2 12.6 0.6 13.9 2.1 × 1.7 78 0.008569 36.19 eF, pL, vgbM, * 6 f 40s IC 5114; MCG -6-47-7; ESO 403-8
NGC 7097 21 40 12.8 -42 32 21 Gx (E5) 12.6 11.7 0.9 12.7 1.8 × 1.2 20 0.008726 36.86 31.400 B, S, vlE, mbM ESO 287-48; MCG -7-44-29; AM 2137-424
NGC 7097 A 21 40 37.9 -42 28 49 Gx (E3) 15.1 14.3 0.8 13.2 0.6 × 0.4 134 0.008653 36.55 B, S, vlE, mbM ESO 287-49; MCG -7-44-30
NGC 7107 21 42 26.5 -44 47 31 Gx (SBdm) 13.2 12.6 0.6 13.7 2.1 × 1.5 128 0.007354 31.06 27.600 vF, cL, R, vglbM ESO 287-52; AM 2139-450; IRAS 21392-4501
NGC 7117 21 45 47.0 -48 25 16 Gx (E-S0) 13.8 12.8 1.0 12.9 1.4 × 0.8 27 0.018526 78.25 82.800 F, S, R, glbM, p of 2 ESO 236-40; AM 2142-483
NGC 7118 21 46 09.8 -48 21 12 Gx (E-S0) 13.5 12.6 0.9 13.0 1.4 × 1.1 50 0.017062 72.07 82.800 F, S, R, glbM, f of 2 ESO 236-45; AM 2142-483
NGC 7119 A 21 46 15.7 -46 30 56 Gx (SBbc) 13.6 12.8 0.8 12.7 1.2 × 0.9 130 0.032242 136.1 F, S, R, gbM ESO 288-2; AM 2143-464
NGC 7119 B 21 46 14.9 -46 31 11 Gx (Sc) 13.7 13.0 0.7 11.0 0.6 × 0.3 22 0.031989 135.1 F, S, R, gbM ESO 288-1; AM 2143-464; IRAS 21430-4644
NGC 7144 21 52 42.6 -48 15 17 Gx (E0) 11.7 10.8 0.9 13.6 3.7 × 3.6 0.006444 27.22 24.960 vB, pS, R, mbMN ESO 237-11
NGC 7145 21 53 20.5 -47 52 57 Gx (E1) 12.0 11.2 0.8 13.1 2.5 × 2.3 173 0.006561 27.71 23.140 B, S, R, in Δ of st 13 ESO 237-13
NGC 7162 21 59 38.8 -43 18 16 Gx (Sc) 13.3 12.7 0.6 13.7 2.8 × 1 10 0.007720 32.61 28.400 cF, cL, cE, glbM ESO 288-26; MCG -7-45-3; AM 2156-433; IRAS 21565-4332
NGC 7162 A 22 00 35.7 -43 08 30 Gx (SBm) 13.3 12.5 0.8 14.3 2.6 × 2.2 70 0.007569 31.97 30.310 cF, cL, cE, glbM ESO 288-28; MCG -7-45-5; AM 2157-432
NGC 7166 22 00 32.7 -43 23 24 Gx (E-S0) 12.9 11.9 1.0 12.6 2.4 × 0.9 14 0.008226 34.75 30.200 cB, S, vlE, smbMN ESO 288-27; MCG -7-45-4; AM 2157-433
NGC 7169 22 02 48.7 -47 41 51 Gx (E/SB0) 14.6 13.6 1.0 12.7 1 × 0.5 78 0.033240 140.4 eF, S, R, * 8 np ESO 237-28
NGC 7213 22 09 16.2 -47 10 01 Gx (Sa) 11.0 10.1 0.9 12.3 3.1 × 2.8 124 0.005839 24.66 22.000 vB, pS, R, gbM ESO 288-43; AM 2206-472; IRAS 22061-4724
NGC 7232 22 15 37.6 -45 51 01 Gx (SBa) 13.0 12.0 1.0 12.7 2.6 × 1 99 0.006388 26.98 22.300 pB, S, pmE, psbM, p of 2 ESO 289-7; AM 2212-460
NGC 7232 A 22 13 41.1 -45 53 37 Gx (SBab) 14.0 13.0 1.0 12.7 2.1 × 0.4 111 0.008029 33.91 pB, S, pmE, psbM, p of 2 ESO 289-3; IRAS 22105-4608
NGC 7232 B 22 15 52.4 -45 46 50 Gx (SBm) 13.9 13.6 0.3 14.5 1.6 × 1.5 0 0.007205 30.43 25.300 pB, S, pmE, psbM, p of 2 ESO 289-9
NGC 7233 22 15 49.0 -45 50 47 Gx (SB0-a) 13.1 12.5 0.6 13.2 1.7 × 1.3 133 0.006141 25.94 22.700 F, vS, R, * 8 f, f of 2 ESO 289-8; AM 2212-460; IRAS 22127-4605
NGC 7249 22 20 30.9 -55 07 29 Gx (S0) 14.4 13.4 1.0 13.1 1.1 × 0.8 136 0.039841 168.2 eeF, R, doubtful object ESO 190-1
NGC 7297 22 31 10.2 -37 49 37 Gx (Sbc) 14.0 13.2 0.8 12.3 0.9 × 0.6 130 0.036358 153.5 eF, S, R, p of 2 ESO 345-18; MCG -6-49-7; IRAS 22282-3804
NGC 7299 22 31 33.0 -37 48 35 Gx (SBc) 14.8 14.1 0.7 13.2 0.7 × 0.7 0.030091 127.1 eF, S, R, f of 2 ESO 345-19; MCG -6-49-8; AM 2228-380
NGC 7307 22 33 52.4 -40 56 05 Gx (SBc/P) 12.9 12.6 0.3 13.7 3.4 × 1 9 0.006968 29.43 26.090 F, pL, pmE ESO 345-26; MCG -7-46-3; IRAS 22309-4111
NGC 7322 22 37 51.4 -37 13 53 Gx (S0-a) 14.5 13.6 0.9 12.8 0.9 × 0.6 114 0.038540 162.7 vF, S, vlE, gbM NGC 7334; ESO 405-33; MCG -6-49-10
NGC 7355 22 43 30.4 -36 51 55 Gx (Sb) 15.1 14.3 0.8 13.2 1 × 0.4 43 0.039177 165.4 eeF, S, R, D * f 40s ESO 406-6
NGC 7368 22 45 31.4 -39 20 31 Gx (SBb) 12.8 12.0 0.8 12.5 2.9 × 0.6 130 0.007839 33.11 33.120 F, cS, lE, glbM ESO 345-49; MCG -7-46-10; IRAS 22426-3936
NGC 7382 22 50 23.8 -36 51 25 Gx (Sa) 14.2 13.3 0.9 12.0 1.2 × 0.4 109 0.038677 163.3 eF, vS, R, * 12 att np ESO 406-15; MCG -6-50-5; IRAS 22476-3707
NGC 7400 22 54 20.8 -45 20 50 Gx (Sbc) 13.7 12.9 0.8 13.0 2.7 × 0.5 2 0.010012 42.29 40.090 pF, lE, glbM, vS * inv ESO 290-22; AM 2251-453; IRAS 22514-4536
NGC 7404 22 54 18.6 -39 18 53 Gx (E/SB0) 13.7 12.8 0.9 13.1 1.5 × 0.8 2 0.006368 26.90 vF, S, R IC 5260; ESO 346-10; MCG -7-47-1
NGC 7410 22 55 00.6 -39 39 44 Gx (SBa) 11.2 10.3 0.9 12.5 5.2 × 1.6 45 0.005841 24.67 20.100 cB, L, vmE 43°, mbM ESO 346-12; MCG -7-47-2; IRAS 22522-3955
NGC 7412 22 55 46.1 -42 38 29 Gx (SBb) 11.9 11.4 0.5 13.8 3.8 × 2.8 75 0.005704 24.09 12.480 eF, vL, * 7 nf ESO 290-24; MCG -7-47-4; AM 2252-425; IRAS 22529-4254
NGC 7412 A 22 57 07.0 -42 48 18 Gx (SBd) 14.5 13.9 0.6 14.4 3.5 × 0.5 91 0.003102 13.10 6.960 eF, vL, * 7 nf ESO 290-28; FGCE 1793
NGC 7418 22 56 35.9 -37 01 44 Gx (SBc) 11.8 11.1 0.7 13.3 3.5 × 2.6 139 0.004837 20.43 18.120 cB, vL, vlE, vglbM ESO 406-25; MCG -6-50-13; IRAS 22538-3717
NGC 7418 A 22 56 41.2 -36 46 22 Gx (Scd) 13.8 13.1 0.7 14.9 3.5 × 1.8 83 0.007012 29.62 25.400 cB, vL, vlE, vglbM ESO 406-27; MCG -6-50-11B
NGC 7421 22 56 54.6 -37 20 42 Gx (SBbc) 12.6 11.9 0.7 13.2 2 × 1.9 78 0.005979 25.25 cB, L, vlE, gpmbM, rr ESO 346-17; MCG -6-50-15; AM 2254-373; IRAS 22541-3736
NGC 7424 22 57 18.4 -41 04 15 Gx (SBc) 11.0 10.5 0.5 15.0 9.5 × 8.1 101 0.003132 13.23 11.500 F, cL, vlE, vgmbM ESO 346-19; MCG -7-47-8; IRAS 22544-4120
NGC 7456 23 02 10.1 -39 34 09 Gx (Sc) 12.4 11.8 0.6 14.1 5.5 × 1.6 23 0.003999 16.89 16.180 vF, L, mE 34°, vglbM ESO 346-26; MCG -7-47-11; IRAS 22594-3950
NGC 7462 23 02 46.2 -40 50 08 Gx (SBbc) 12.2 11.4 0.8 12.6 4.3 × 0.8 75 0.003549 14.99 11.290 cF, pS, vmE 5° ±, * 11 np ESO 346-28; MCG -7-47-13; IRAS 23000-4105
NGC 7470 23 05 13.9 -50 06 42 Gx (Sbc) 14.8 13.9 0.9 14.0 1.4 × 0.9 84 0.012295 51.93 eF, pL, R, glbM, * 11 np ESO 239-9; IRAS 23023-5023
NGC 7476 23 05 12.0 -43 05 53 Gx (SBab) 13.6 12.8 0.8 13.0 1.4 × 1 175 0.009628 40.67 F, S, R, Δ with 2 st 7 ESO 290-45; MCG -7-47-15; IRAS 23023-4322
NGC 7496 23 09 46.9 -43 25 39 Gx (SBb) 12.2 11.4 0.8 13.7 3.3 × 3.1 2 0.005500 23.23 20.100 pB, cL, lE, vgbM * 13 ESO 291-1; MCG -7-47-20; VV 771; IRAS 23069-4341
NGC 7496 A 23 12 23.4 -43 46 43 Gx (SBm) 14.6 14.0 0.6 13.8 1.4 × 0.7 82 0.005350 22.60 pB, cL, lE, vgbM * 13 ESO 291-7; AM 2309-440; KDWG 274
NGC 7496 B 23 12 21.0 -43 46 39 Gx (S) 16.0 15.2 0.8 12.3 0.4 × 0.2 130 0.006000 25.34 pB, cL, lE, vgbM * 13 ESO 291-7; AM 2309-440
NGC 7531 23 14 48.4 -43 35 56 Gx (Sbc) 12.0 11.3 0.7 13.4 4.5 × 1.7 15 0.005324 22.49 22.940 pB, S, lE, pgbM ESO 291-10; MCG -7-47-25; IRAS 23120-4352
NGC 7545 23 15 32.3 -38 32 06 Gx (SBb) 13.9 13.1 0.8 12.7 1.1 × 0.7 80 0.007012 29.62 F, S, vlE, vgvlbM, * 10 att ESO 347-4; MCG -7-47-26; AM 2312-384; IRAS 23127-3848
NGC 7552 23 16 10.6 -42 35 05 Gx (SBab) 11.3 10.6 0.7 12.9 3.4 × 2.7 1 0.005365 22.66 17.150 B, S, mE 90° ±, vsbM * 13 IC 5294; ESO 291-12; MCG -7-47-28; IRAS 23134-4251; VV 440; Grus quartet
NGC 7582 23 18 23.5 -42 22 11 Gx (SBab) 11.4 10.6 0.8 13.0 5 × 2.3 157 0.005254 22.19 20.620 pB, L, pmE, gbM ESO 291-16; MCG -7-47-29; AM 2315-423; IRAS 23156-4238; Grus quartet
NGC 7590 23 18 54.6 -42 14 21 Gx (Sbc) 12.1 11.5 0.6 12.5 2.6 × 1 36 0.005255 22.20 25.270 pB, pL, pmE, gbM, p of 2 ESO 347-33; MCG -7-47-30; IRAS 23161-4230; Grus quartet
NGC 7599 23 19 20.8 -42 15 29 Gx (SBc) 12.1 11.5 0.6 13.3 4.4 × 1.4 57 0.005508 23.27 20.960 F, pL, pmE, gbM, f of 2 IC 5308; ESO 347-34; MCG -7-47-33; IRAS 23166-4231; Grus quartet
NGC 7632 23 22 00.9 -42 28 49 Gx (SB0) 13.0 12.1 0.9 12.9 2.4 × 1.2 92 0.005107 21.57 19.300 F, S, R, lbM IC 5313; ESO 291-21; MCG -7-47-35; AM 2319-424; IRAS 23192-4245
NGC 7658 A 23 26 24.6 -39 12 57 Gx (S0) 15.3 14.3 1.0 11.9 0.6 × 0.2 137 0.036622 154.6 D, both eF, S, R, 4 st p ESO 347-15; MCG -7-48-2; AM 2323-392
NGC 7658 B 23 26 24.9 -39 13 37 Gx (S0) 14.9 13.9 1.0 12.2 0.8 × 0.3 128 0.035211 148.7 D, both eF, S, R, 4 st p ESO 347-16; MCG -7-48-3; AM 2323-392
IC 1459 22 57 10.4 -36 27 45 Gx (E3) 11.0 10.0 1.0 13.2 5.2 × 1.8 40 0.006011 25.39 26.990 F, pS, com, N = 12m IC 5265; ESO 406-30; MCG -6-50-16; AM 2254-364; IRAS 22544-3643
IC 5128 21 43 11.7 -38 58 05 Gx (S0-a) 13.9 13.0 0.9 12.5 1.1 × 0.7 135 0.015758 66.56 eeF, vS, R, dif, st sp ESO 343-22; MCG -7-44-35; IRAS 21401-3911
IC 5170 22 12 29.6 -47 13 17 Gx (SBa) 13.4 12.5 0.9 12.7 1.8 × 0.8 26 0.005397 22.80 21.420 No descr ESO 237-46; ESO 288-51; AM 2209-472; PGC 68283; IRAS 22093-4728
IC 5171 22 10 56.6 -46 04 55 Gx (SBbc) 13.4 12.6 0.8 12.9 3.1 × 0.5 158 0.009497 40.11 34.100 No descr ESO 288-46; A 2207-46; IRAS 22078-4619
IC 5174 22 12 44.5 -38 10 18 Gx (SBb) 14.8 14.0 0.8 14.3 2.1 × 1.1 1 0.037099 156.7 eF, eS, cE 150° ESO 344-13; MCG -6-48-28; AM 2209-382
IC 5175 22 12 48.2 -38 07 38 Gx (Sab) 14.4 13.6 0.8 13.0 1.4 × 0.5 94 0.035928 151.7 eF, eS, R, bM ESO 344-14; MCG -6-48-29; AM 2209-382
IC 5181 22 13 21.6 -46 01 05 Gx (S0) 12.5 11.5 1.0 12.2 2.5 × 0.9 74 0.006628 28.00 24.800 No descr ESO 289-1; AM 2210-461
IC 5184 22 16 09.0 -36 50 41 Gx (Sbc) 12.4 11.8 0.6 12.7 2.4 × 1.2 57 0.011415 48.22 45.380 pF, pS, lE, bet 2 st ns IC 5179; IC 5184; ESO 405-5; MCG -6-48-31; IRAS 22132-3705; AM 2213-370
IC 5186 22 18 46.5 -36 48 06 Gx (SBb) 12.5 11.9 0.6 12.6 1.8 × 1.2 106 0.016405 69.29 eeF, S, R, F * nr p ESO 405-7; MCG -6-49-1; IRAS 22158-3703
IC 5199 22 19 32.9 -37 32 03 Gx (Sb) 14.7 13.9 0.8 12.4 1.5 × 0.2 155 0.017022 71.90 66.870 eF, eS, cE 160° ESO 344-20; MCG -6-49-2; IRAS 22166-3747
IC 5201 22 20 57.5 -46 02 05 Gx (SBc) 11.5 10.8 0.7 14.5 8.5 × 3.9 33 0.003052 12.89 11.250 No descr ESO 289-18; IRAS 22179-4617
IC 5209 22 23 09.1 -37 59 37 Gx (Sc) 15.6 14.8 0.8 13.3 0.6 × 0.5 125 0.028113 118.7 F, eS, R, 2 st np ESO 345-4; AM 2220-381
IC 5212 22 23 30.2 -38 02 16 Gx (Sbc) 14.3 13.5 0.8 13.0 1.1 × 0.7 42 0.027713 117.0 eF, eS, cE 40° ESO 345-6; AM 2220-381
IC 5224 22 30 30.0 -45 59 45 Gx (Sab) 14.4 13.6 0.8 12.9 1.5 × 0.4 167 0.005943 25.10 No descr ESO 289-31
IC 5240 22 41 52.1 -44 46 01 Gx (SBa) 12.8 11.9 0.9 13.6 2.8 × 1.8 100 0.005886 24.86 21.400 pF, pL, R, F * sf ESO 290-2; AM 2238-450; IRAS 22388-4501
IC 5264 22 56 52.7 -36 33 16 Gx (Sab) 13.3 12.5 0.8 12.6 2.4 × 0.5 82 0.006471 27.33 47.750 vF, S, vmE, sp of 2 ESO 406-29; MCG -6-50-14; IRAS 22540-3649
IC 5267 22 57 13.7 -43 23 45 Gx (S0-a) 11.4 10.5 0.9 13.7 5.2 × 3.9 140 0.005711 24.12 26.080 pB, S, R, mbM ESO 290-29; MCG -7-47-7; AM 2254-434; IRAS 22543-4339
IC 5267 A 22 55 56.3 -43 26 03 Gx (SBbc) 13.9 13.4 0.5 14.0 2.2 × 0.8 172 0.004953 20.92 pB, S, R, mbM ESO 290-26; MCG -7-47-5
IC 5267 B 22 56 57.0 -43 45 37 Gx (SB0) 12.7 11.8 0.9 13.0 1.8 × 0.8 106 0.005794 24.47 pB, S, R, mbM ESO 290-27; MCG -7-47-6
IC 5269 A 22 55 55.6 -36 20 52 Gx (SBm) 13.9 13.4 0.5 13.5 1.3 × 0.9 35 0.009573 40.44 37.830 vF, pS, R, np of 2 ESO 406-23; MCG -6-50-11A
IC 5273 22 59 26.7 -37 42 19 Gx (SBc) 11.8 11.4 0.4 13.9 2.6 × 1.7 56 0.004312 18.21 16.810 vF, cL, lE, 4 st p ESO 346-22; MCG -6-50-20; IRAS 22566-3758


Key to columns [277]
Name NGC/IC Designation
RA Right Ascension (J2000.0)
Dec Declination (J2000.0)
Type Object type
bMag Photographic (blue) magnitude
vMag Visual magnitude
B-V Difference of visual and blue magnitude
SB Surface brightness (mag/arcmin2)
Dim Dimensions (arcmin)
PA Position Angle (°)
z Redshift (from NED or LEDA)
D(z) Distance derived from z in Mpc, using D(z) = cz/H0, with Hubble Parameter H0 = 71 (km/s)/Mpc
MD Metric distance: for galaxies with S = 1, 6, 7 or 8 in Mpc (from NED); for other types with S = 2, 3, 4, or 5 in kpc
Dreyer Description See below
Identification, Remarks

Dreyer Description

Descriptions according to J.L.E. Dreyer [313, 314, 315]
ab about
alm almost
am among
annul annular or ring nebula
att attached
b brighter
bet between
biN binuclear
bn brightest to n side
bs brightest to s side
bp brightest to p side
bf brightest to f side
B bright
c considerably
chev chevelure
co coarse, coarsely
com cometic (cometary form)
comp companion
conn connected
cont in contact
C compressed
Cl cluster
d diameter
def defined
dif diffused
diffic difficult
dist distance, or distant
D double
e extremely, excessively
ee most extremely
er easily resolvable
exc excentric
E extended
f following (eastward)
F faint
g gradually
glob. globular
gr group
i irregular
iF irregular figure
inv involved, involving
l little (adv.); long (adj.)
L large
m much
m magnitude
M middle, or in the middle
n north
neb nebula
nebs nebulous
neby nebulosity
nf north following
np north preceding
ns north-south
nr near
N nucleus, or to a nucleus
p preceding (westward)
pf preceding-following
p pretty (adv., before F. B. L, S)
pg pretty gradually
pm pretty much
ps pretty suddenly
plan planetary nebula (same as PN)
prob probably
P poor (sparse) in stars
PN planetary nebula
r resolvable (mottled, not resolved)
rr partially resolved, some stars seen
rrr well resolved, clearly consisting of stars
R round
RR exactly round
Ri rich in stars
s suddenly (abruptly)
s south
sf south following
sp south preceding
sc scattered
sev several
st stars (pl.)
st 9... stars of 9th magnitude and fainter
st 9..13 stars of mag. 9 to 13
stell stellar, pointlike
susp suspected
S small in angular size
S* small (faint) star
trap trapezium
triangle triangle, forms a triangle with
triN trinuclear
v very
vv _very_
var variable
* a single star
*10 a star of 10th magnitude
*7-8 star of mag. 7 or 8
** double star (same as D*)
*** triple star
! remarkable
!! very much so
!!! a magnificent or otherwise interesting object


  • [277] Historische Deep-Sky Kataloge; Dr. Wolfgang Steinicke;; 2021-02-17
  • [313] A New General Catalogue of Nebulae and Clusters of Stars, being the Catalogue of the late Sir John F.W. Herschel, Bart., revised, corrected, and enlarged; Dreyer, J. L. E.; Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society. 49: 1–237 (1888); Bibcode:1888MmRAS..49....1D
  • [314] Index Catalogue of Nebulæ found in the years 1888 to 1894, with Notes and Corrections to the New General Catalogue; Dreyer, J. L. E.; Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 51, p.185; 1895; Bibcode:1895MmRAS..51..185D
  • [315] Second Index Catalogue of Nebulae and Clusters of Stars; containing objects found in the years 1895 to 1907, with Notes and Corrections to the New General Catalogue and to the Index Catalogue for 1888–94; Dreyer, J. L. E.; Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society. 59: 105–198 (1910); Bibcode:1910MmRAS..59..105D