
Aquarius / Yale Bright Star Catalog (HR)

«Yale Bright Star Catalogue, 5th Revised Ed.» Hoffleit D., Warren Jr W.H., 1991 [154]
HR B F DM HD SAO FK5 IR M* ADS VarID RA Dec vMag spType dMag Sep Remarks
HR 7890 BD-02 5328 196712 144666 20 39 13.2 -02 24 46 6.22 B7IIIne v VAR:H alpha varies.
HR 7897 1 BD-00 4064 196758 126062 3651 I 14108 20 39 24.9 +00 29 11 5.16 K1III 7.1 59.7 D:Both companions optical.
HR 7946 BD-03 5018 197954 144802 I 20 47 03.6 -02 29 12 6.27 K2
HR 7950 ε 2 BD-10 5506 198001 144810 781 20 47 40.6 -09 29 45 3.77 A1V N:Albali; Al Bali.
HR 7951 3 BD-05 5378 198026 144814 1543 I EN Aqr 20 47 44.2 -05 01 40 4.42 M3III VAR:Lb 4.41 - 4.45V.
HR 7976 BD-13 5773 198431 163924 3665 20 50 41.8 -12 32 42 5.88 gK1
HR 7982 4 BD-06 5604 198571 144877 14360 13350 20 51 25.7 -05 37 35 5.99 F5V+F7V 0.9 1.1 D:AB 6.4 F5V, 7.22 F8V, 187y, a = 0.855". Mag., colors for combined light.,DYN:0.019".
HR 7985 5 BD-06 5606 198667 144889 13360 20 52 08.7 -05 30 25 5.55 B9III
HR 7990 μ 6 BD-09 5598 198743 144895 1547 S 20 52 39.2 -08 59 00 4.73 A3m SB:1782d, K 5.4k/s, V0 -11.4k/s, asini 128.
HR 7994 BD-12 5854 198802 163953 S 20 53 05.6 -11 34 25 6.38 G1V 0.2
HR 7998 BD-07 5433 198949 144915 20 53 58.4 -06 53 23 6.44 F1IV
HR 8006 BD-01 4075 199124 144941 EM Aqr 20 55 08.1 -01 22 24 6.55 A9Vn VAR:Delta Sct 6.55 - 6.58V, 0.054d. Per. and amp. may vary.
HR 8014 BD-04 5307 199280 144957 20 56 18.3 -03 33 41 6.57 B8Vn
HR 8015 7 BD-10 5553 199345 144968 I 14449 13419 20 56 54.0 -09 41 51 5.51 gK5 3.5 176.6 D:AB fixed sep. B, 11.8v at 36".
HR 8017 BD-00 4132 199442 126396 14457 20 57 10.6 +00 27 49 6.05 K2III 5.4 26.2 D:AB, CPM.
HR 8024 BD-15 5848 199603 164027 DV Aqr 20 58 41.9 -14 28 58 6.01 F0IV S:Shell star.,SB:1.5755d, K 95.5k/s, V0 +10.3k/s, asini 2.07.,VAR:EB 5.95 - 6.25V, 1.575531d. Also Delta Sct amp. 0.1V, 0.12d.
HR 8041 11 BD-05 5433 199960 145022 789 21 00 33.8 -04 43 49 6.21 G1V
HR 8054 BD-01 4095 200340 145050 21 02 59.6 -00 55 29 6.50 B6V
HR 8056 BD+00 4648 200375 126491 14573 21 03 03.0 +01 31 55 6.25 F5V 0.5 1.3 D:AB 6.74 F5, 7.21, 3055y, a = 3.740".,DYN:0.015".
HR 8058 12 BD-06 5664 200496 145064 14592 21 04 04.6 -05 49 24 7.31 H A3V 1.9 2.7 D:CPM with HR 8059.
HR 8059 12 BD-06 5664 200497 145065 14592 21 04 04.7 -05 49 23 5.89 H G4III 1.9 2.7 D:CPM with HR 8058. Colors for combined light. Mag. for blend 5.54V. Measured sep. Aa 1985.5 0.045" by speckle,D:interferometry.
HR 8068 BD+01 4418 200663 126522 3681 21 04 45.4 +02 16 11 6.33 G5
HR 8093 ν 13 BD-11 5538 201381 164182 794 I 21 09 35.7 -11 22 18 4.51 G8III
HR 8096 BD-09 5674 201567 145171 21 10 46.9 -09 21 14 6.27 K0III
HR 8102 BD-15 5908 201707 164204 EW Aqr 21 11 41.3 -14 28 20 6.48 F0Del Del: G:Hyades group.,S:Also classified F0III-IV.,VAR:Delta Sct 6.41 - 6.48V, 0.097d.
HR 8118 BD-11 5553 202149 164240 21 14 16.7 -10 36 19 6.77 B9pHgMn
HR 8121 BD-00 4186 202259 145229 I 13614 21 14 37.0 +00 05 32 6.38 M1III VAR:Amp. 0.045V.
HR 8132 BD-02 5495 202554 145259 21 16 39.6 -01 36 28 6.48 K0
HR 8134 BD-13 5897 202606 164279 21 17 13.5 -13 16 44 6.40 A2V
HR 8141 15 BD-05 5512 202753 145278 3698 21 18 11.1 -04 31 10 5.82 B5V M:Old disk population runaway star.
HR 8160 16 BD-05 5524 203222 145317 21 21 04.3 -04 33 36 5.87 gG7
HR 8175 17 BD-09 5728 203525 145351 3705 I 21 22 56.3 -09 19 10 5.99 M0III
HR 8187 18 BD-13 5923 203705 164364 1562 W 13684 21 24 11.5 -12 52 41 5.49 F1V 7.5 48.9
HR 8192 20 BD-04 5444 203843 145376 21 24 51.7 -03 23 54 6.36 F0III
HR 8195 19 BD-10 5668 203875 145382 21 25 13.1 -09 44 55 5.70 F0IV
HR 8199 21 BD-04 5446 203926 145384 3708 I 21 25 17.0 -03 33 24 5.49 K4III
HR 8203 BD-00 4215 204041 126789 21 25 51.5 +00 32 04 6.46 A1IV
HR 8205 BD+00 4726 204121 126794 3711 21 26 28.1 +01 06 12 6.13 F5V
HR 8232 β 22 BD-06 5770 204867 145457 808 I 15050 21 31 33.5 -05 34 16 2.91 G0Ib 7.9 35.5 D:Both companions optical.,G:With Alpha Aqr (HR 8414) and Epsilon Peg (HR 8308) forms an OB triple system. Motion of HR 8232 and 8414,G:(separated by 12d) is nearly perpendicular to the galactic plane.,N:Sadalsuud; Sadalsud; Sad es Saud; Sadalsund; Saad el Sund.
HR 8251 BD-04 5489 205423 145510 21 35 17.6 -03 58 59 5.77 gG9
HR 8263 BD-01 4180 205765 145533 15142 21 37 33.8 -00 23 25 6.25 A2V 3.3 31.5 D:CPM.,G:UMa stream.
HR 8264 ξ 23 BD-08 5701 205767 145537 1569 S 21 37 45.1 -07 51 15 4.69 A7V 2.0 0.1 D:Speckle interferometry indicates mag. diff 3.0, sep. 0.033"; D. W. Dunham gives 5.1, 7.1v, 0.07".,SB:8016d, K 11.3k/s, V0 -21.0k/s, asini 1050. Massive invisible component.
HR 8277 25 BD+01 4517 206067 126965 3729 I W 21 39 33.3 +02 14 37 5.10 K0III 6.3 136.8
HR 8287 26 BD+00 4770 206445 126997 I 21 42 10.1 +01 17 07 5.67 K2III G:In Ursa cluster?
HR 8332 BD-06 5827 207235 145671 21 47 38.1 -05 55 02 6.17 A7V
HR 8360 BD-04 5568 208111 145731 21 54 10.4 -04 16 34 5.71 K2III
HR 8363 BD-03 5329 208177 145735 15432 21 54 35.9 -03 18 04 6.20 F5IV 3.4 17.6 D:Optical.
HR 8376 BD-06 5878 208703 145778 21 58 13.3 -05 25 29 6.33 F5IV
HR 8382 BD-05 5674 208801 145784 1580 21 58 55.0 -04 22 23 6.22 K2V
HR 8390 28 BD-00 4296 209128 127235 I 22 01 05.0 +00 36 18 5.58 gK4
HR 8394 BD-18 6056 209240 164827 3761 22 02 11.9 -17 54 13 6.28 gG7
HR 8396 29 BD-17 6422 209278 164830 15562 A DX Aqr 22 02 26.6 -16 57 51 6.37 A2V+K0III 0.1 3.6 D:Component B, 7.2v, at 3.7" variously classified G2V, G2III:, K0III:; C 11.7v at 143".,SB:0.9450d, K 97.9k/s, V0 +15.0k/s, asini 1.27.,VAR:ADS 15562A, EA 6.37 - 6.78V, 0.9450132d.
HR 8401 30 BD-07 5688 209396 145836 22 03 16.4 -06 31 21 5.54 K0III
HR 8402 ο 31 BD-02 5681 209409 145837 3765 Omi Aqr 22 03 18.9 -02 09 19 4.69 B7IVe S:Shell star.,VAR:Gamma Cas 4.68 - 4.89V, 4.57 - 4.65p.
HR 8410 32 BD-01 4242 209625 145853 22 04 47.4 -00 54 24 5.30 A5m v G:Sirius group? UMa stream.,S:Also classified A8IVm, A9Vm, A8IVms (variable spectrum), A5/A9/F2.,SB:7.8327d, K 6.8k/s, V0 +20.5k/s, asini 0.732.
HR 8414 α 34 BD-01 4246 209750 145862 827 I W 22 05 47.0 -00 19 11 2.96 G2Ib v 9.0 113.0 G:See HR 8232.,N:SADALMELIK; Sadalmelek; Sadlamulk; El Melik; Saad el Melik.,VAR:He 10830 possibly variable.
HR 8418 ι 33 BD-14 6209 209819 164861 828 22 06 26.2 -13 52 11 4.27 B9IV-V
HR 8439 35 BD-19 6227 210191 164888 22 08 59.0 -18 31 11 5.81 B2.5IV
HR 8451 BD-04 5623 210419 145914 22 10 21.1 -03 53 39 6.27 A1Vnn
HR 8452 38 BD-12 6196 210424 164910 3771 22 10 37.5 -11 33 54 5.46 B7III
HR 8453 BD-04 5625 210434 145916 22 10 33.8 -04 16 02 6.01 K0III-IV
HR 8457 BD-21 6173 210464 190945 22 11 02.4 -21 13 57 6.09 F6V
HR 8462 39 BD-14 6229 210705 164923 14068 22 12 25.8 -14 11 38 6.03 F2V
HR 8467 BD-05 5732 210763 145940 22 12 43.8 -04 43 15 6.39 F7V
HR 8480 41 BD-21 6180 210960 190986 15753 22 14 18.0 -21 04 27 5.32 K0III+F2V 1.6 5.1 D:AB binary. B is F8V.,DYN:0.011".
HR 8495 BD-02 5726 211356 145989 22 16 33.6 -01 35 47 6.15 A5Vn
HR 8496 42 BD-13 6148 211361 164974 I 22 16 48.1 -12 49 53 5.34 gK0
HR 8497 CD-2317344 211364 191021 22 16 59.8 -23 08 24 6.17 G5
HR 8499 θ 43 BD-08 5845 211391 145991 840 I 22 16 50.0 -07 47 00 4.16 G8III-IV N:Ancha.
HR 8500 BD-09 5948 211392 145992 14095 22 16 52.6 -09 02 24 5.79 gK3
HR 8504 44 BD-06 5960 211434 145993 3782 14100 22 17 06.5 -05 23 14 5.75 G6III
HR 8507 BD-00 4333 211575 146004 S 22 18 04.3 -00 14 16 6.39 F3V 0.1
HR 8508 45 BD-14 6255 211676 164996 22 19 00.8 -13 18 18 5.95 gG7
HR 8512 ρ 46 BD-08 5855 211838 146023 22 20 11.9 -07 49 16 5.37 B8IIIpMn:Hg:
HR 8516 47 BD-22 5897 212010 191083 1584 I 22 21 35.6 -21 35 54 5.13 K2III
HR 8518 γ 48 BD-02 5741 212061 146044 842 15864 14132 22 21 39.4 -01 23 14 3.84 A0V 7.9 37.4 D:Optical.,N:Sadalachbia; Sadachbia.,S:Lambda Boo star.,SB:ADS 15864A. Unresolved by speckle interferometry.
HR 8529 49 CD-2515905 212271 191105 22 23 30.9 -24 45 45 5.53 gG9
HR 8530 BD-07 5765 212320 146062 D 22 23 32.1 -07 11 40 5.93 G6IIIBaII D:Suspected occultation double. Unresolved by speckle interferometry.
HR 8533 51 BD-05 5780 212404 146067 15902 22 24 06.9 -04 50 13 5.78 A0V 0.0 0.3 D:AB 6.6 A0, 6.6, 190y, a = 0.490". Measured sep. 0.121" on 1985.5 by speckle interferometry.
HR 8534 50 BD-14 6276 212430 165044 3791 22 24 27.1 -13 31 46 5.76 G6.5III
HR 8539 π 52 BD+00 4872 212571 127520 1585 I Pi Aqr 22 25 16.6 +01 22 39 4.66 B1Ve v RV:2-6y.,S:Shell star. Also classified B1III-IVe.,VAR:Gamma Cas 4.42 - 4.70V. Variable magnitude, RV and emission lines due to slow rotation of line of apsides of rapidly,VAR:rotating equatorial shell. Spectrum variable 0.087d. Variable polarization.
HR 8542 CD-2417171 212643 191144 3793 22 26 10.7 -23 40 57 6.29 A0V
HR 8544 53 BD-17 6520 212697 165077 15934 B 22 26 34.2 -16 44 29 6.57 H G2V 0.2 3.3 D:Binary with HR 8545. Components C, D, optical.,DYN:0.083".
HR 8545 53 BD-17 6521 212698 165078 15934 A 22 26 34.4 -16 44 33 6.35 H G1V 0.2 3.3 D:See HR 8544. Colors for combined light. Mag. of blend 5.56V.,DYN:0.083".
HR 8558 ζ1 55 BD-00 4365 213051 146107 I 15971 B 22 28 49.7 -00 01 13 4.59 H F6IV 0.2 1.8 D:Binary with HR 8559, speckle interferometric sep. 1.672" (1982.38). B* 4.51, 12v, 25.5y, a = 0.072".,DYN:0.040".,S:Combined spectrum with HR 8559, F3IV-V.
HR 8559 ζ2 55 BD-00 4365 213052 146108 I 15971 A 22 28 50.1 -00 01 12 4.42 H F3V 0.2 1.8 D:Binary with HR 8558. AB 4.31 F2IV, 4.51 F3IV, 856.0y, a = 5.055". Magnitude for blend 3.65V, combined colors.,D:Component B, HR 8558, is an astrometric binary.,DYN:0.039".
HR 8565 BD-13 6204 213198 165123 22 30 01.5 -12 54 54 6.40 F3IV G:Hyades group.
HR 8567 56 BD-15 6231 213236 165127 22 30 17.4 -14 35 09 6.37 B8V s S:Hg, Mn. May resemble HR 1339 (53 tau).
HR 8573 σ 57 BD-11 5850 213320 165134 1591 22 30 38.8 -10 40 41 4.82 A0IV s G:In Ursa cluster?
HR 8580 BD-03 5460 213428 146136 3802 22 31 18.4 -02 54 40 6.16 K0
HR 8581 BD-07 5797 213429 146135 S 22 31 18.4 -06 33 18 6.14 F7V 0.1
HR 8583 58 BD-11 5855 213464 165147 22 31 41.3 -10 54 20 6.38 A8III
HR 8590 60 BD-02 5781 213789 146160 W 22 34 02.9 -01 34 27 5.89 G6III 4.4 98.1
HR 8592 υ 59 BD-21 6251 213845 191235 849 22 34 41.6 -20 42 30 5.20 F4IV
HR 8596 CD-2417232 213986 191246 22 35 36.5 -23 59 28 5.97 gK0
HR 8597 η 62 BD-00 4384 213998 146181 850 22 35 21.4 -00 07 03 4.02 B9IV-Vn
HR 8610 κ 63 BD-04 5716 214376 146210 1595 I W 22 37 45.4 -04 13 41 5.03 K2III 3.5 98.3 N:Situla.,R:Occultation diameter = 0.0035".
HR 8612 BD-08 5912 214448 146216 16130 14255 22 38 22.2 -07 53 52 6.23 G0III+F0V 1.8 0.2 D:Measured sep. 0.136" on 1985.5 by speckle interferometry.,S:Also variously classified F2 + K0III, G1IV-V, G5III, K0II-III + F.,VAR:ADS 16130. Uncertain which component varies, B-A 0.5 - 1.8v.
HR 8629 BD-04 5728 214810 146239 W 22 40 48.0 -03 33 15 6.31 F6V 0.5 0.3 D:AB, 6.4 F8, 7.4 F6, 28.0y, a = 0.17". Speckle interferometric sep. 0.184" on 1985.5153. Occultations indicate third,D:fainter component: sep. 0.129", mag. diff 2.7v 9 Oct. 1973; single 3 Dec. 1973; and 0.065", mag. diff 1.0, 29 Sept.,D:1974. Possibly variable with high orbital motion?
HR 8645 BD-09 6038 215114 146271 16208 22 43 03.5 -08 18 42 6.45 A5V 1.1 2.5 D:AB binary. B9, A7.
HR 8647 67 BD-07 5838 215143 146273 3819 22 43 14.3 -06 57 46 6.41 A0Vn
HR 8649 66 BD-19 6324 215167 165252 I 14291 22 43 35.3 -18 49 49 4.69 K4III G:UMa stream.
HR 8670 68 BD-20 6486 215721 165293 1597 I 22 47 33.1 -19 36 48 5.26 G7III
HR 8673 τ1 69 BD-14 6346 215766 165298 16268 22 47 42.8 -14 03 23 5.66 A0V 3.9 23.7 D:AB optical.,N:Sometimes called Tau1 Aqr; usually no Greek letter. See HR 8679.
HR 8676 70 BD-11 5923 215874 165308 3825 FM Aqr 22 48 30.2 -10 33 20 6.19 A9III-IV VAR:Delta Sct 6.16 - 6.19V, 0.087d.
HR 8679 τ2 71 BD-14 6354 216032 165321 861 I W 14329 22 49 35.5 -13 35 33 4.01 M0III 4.5 132.5 N:Sometimes called Tau2 Aqr; usually without superscript.
HR 8698 λ 73 BD-08 5968 216386 146362 864 I Lam Aqr 22 52 36.9 -07 34 47 3.74 M2.5IIIaFe-1 e R:Occultation diam. = 0.0074".,S:Ultraviolet FeII emission.,VAR:Lb 3.70 - 3.80V.
HR 8704 74 BD-12 6371 216494 165359 S HI Aqr 22 53 28.7 -11 37 00 5.80 B9III 0.5 0.1 D:Mag., colors for combined light. Occultation double 6.7, 6.7v sep. 0.2"; speckle interferometry, sep. 0.076".,S:Hg, Mn.,SB:3.4298d, K 95.3k/s, V0 -7.1k/s, msin3i 1.81, asini 4.49. Shortest known period for an Mn star. Both components,SB:show mercury lines; only primary, manganese.,VAR:Alpha CV, amp. 0.005V. Possible periods 0.724, 1.27, 3.40, 1.70d.
HR 8709 δ 76 BD-16 6173 216627 165375 866 14356 22 54 39.0 -15 49 15 3.27 A3V G:Sirius group. Possible Eggen group with HR 63, q.v.,N:Skat; Scheat; Sheat.,S:Also classified A2-4III.
HR 8710 78 BD-07 5886 216637 146382 22 54 34.1 -07 12 17 6.19 K3III
HR 8711 77 BD-17 6619 216640 165376 14358 22 54 45.5 -16 16 19 5.56 K2.5IIIb
HR 8716 BD-05 5885 216718 146388 16365 14360 22 55 11.0 -04 59 16 5.72 K0III-IV 2.0 0.6 D:120.0y, e 0.68, a 0.47", i 85d, mag. diff 2.0.,VAR:ADS 16365B, 7.6v.
HR 8727 BD-05 5894 216953 146404 22 57 17.2 -04 48 36 6.31 G9III
HR 8741 BD-13 6318 217251 165425 I 22 59 35.7 -13 04 15 6.07 K5III
HR 8756 CD-2317706 217498 191585 3842 23 01 23.0 -22 47 27 6.28 A5V
HR 8757 81 BD-07 5910 217531 146447 I 23 01 23.6 -07 03 40 6.21 K5III
HR 8759 BD-05 5910 217563 146451 D 23 01 31.7 -04 42 41 5.94 K0 D:Suspected occultation double.
HR 8763 82 BD-07 5913 217701 146465 I 23 02 32.6 -06 34 27 6.15 M2III G:Wolf 630 group.
HR 8764 BD-21 6354 217703 191604 23 02 44.3 -20 52 14 5.97 K0III-IV
HR 8772 BD-05 5917 217877 146482 23 03 57.3 -04 47 43 6.68 F8V G:Hyades group.
HR 8782 83 BD-08 6018 218060 146498 16497 23 05 09.8 -07 41 37 5.43 F2IV+F0V 0.2 0.2 D:AB 6.2 F2Vn, 6.3 F2V, 21.84y, a = 0.200" or 22.0y, a = 0.20". Combined mag., colors. Component C, 84 Aqr, 7.6v K0 at,D:262", optical.,DYN:0.017".,G:Hyades moving group.
HR 8783 BD-17 6661 218061 165481 3846 I W 23 05 12.8 -17 04 45 6.14 K0 5.1 56.1
HR 8789 86 CD-2417497 218240 191651 I 16511 23 06 40.9 -23 44 35 4.47 G9III 10.0 2.9 D:Sep. 2.9" observed 1925; single in 1929.
HR 8812 88 BD-21 6368 218594 191683 873 I 23 09 26.8 -21 10 21 3.66 K1III
HR 8816 BD-15 6360 218639 165522 3856 23 09 49.6 -14 30 38 6.42 A0Vn
HR 8817 89 CD-2317771 218640 191687 I W 23 09 54.8 -22 27 27 4.69 G2IV+A2V 0.8 0.4 S:Also classified G2III + A2V.
HR 8834 φ 90 BD-06 6170 219215 146585 1607 I 23 14 19.4 -06 02 56 4.22 M1.5III G:Arcturus group.,R:Occultation diam. = 0.0049".
HR 8836 BD-11 6032 219279 165578 I 16618 23 14 40.2 -10 41 19 6.12 K5III 4.5 3.5 D:AB, CPM.
HR 8840 BD-04 5852 219402 146593 3860 23 15 34.3 -03 29 47 5.55 A3V
HR 8841 ψ1 91 BD-09 6156 219449 146598 1608 I 16633 A 23 15 53.5 -09 05 16 4.21 K0III 4.8 49.2 D:BC, 10.0, 10.5v, K3V, 130y, a = 0.6", mean mass BC 0.35 solar. BC combined, 9.19V, +1.03(B-V), +0.93(U-B), CPM with,D:A. Component C is a close double, equal components, showing orbital motion.,G:Variously described as belonging to the 61 Cyg, Epsilon Ind or Zeta Her groups.
HR 8850 χ 92 BD-08 6076 219576 146612 I Chi Aqr 23 16 50.9 -07 43 36 5.06 M3III VAR:Lb 4.9 - 5.25V, 6.5 - 6.8p.
HR 8856 BD-12 6461 219659 165609 14483 23 17 40.0 -11 42 47 6.34 A1Vn
HR 8858 ψ2 93 BD-09 6160 219688 146620 D 23 17 54.2 -09 10 57 4.39 B5V D:Suspected occultation double.
HR 8865 ψ3 95 BD-10 6094 219832 146635 1609 16671 14491 23 18 57.7 -09 36 39 4.98 A0V 3.9 1.4 D:AB binary.,G:Hyades group.,VAR:ADS 16671B, 9.0 - >12?v.
HR 8866 94 BD-14 6448 219834 165625 16672 A 23 19 06.7 -13 27 32 5.08 G5IV 2.4 0.2 D:AB binary. B is K2V. Component A found double by speckle interferometry.,DYN:0.025".,SB:ADS 16672A, 2323.6d, K 5.5k/s, V0 +10.8k/s, asini 175. Unresolved by speckle interferometry 1986.46.
HR 8868 96 BD-05 5966 219877 146639 16676 23 19 24.0 -05 07 28 5.55 F3IV-V 4.9 10.6 D:CPM.,G:Hyades moving group.
HR 8869 BD-18 6283 219879 165628 3868 I 23 19 24.1 -18 04 31 5.93 gK3
HR 8879 BD-06 6191 220035 146652 D 14515 23 20 40.9 -05 54 29 6.17 K0III D:Suspected occultation double.
HR 8890 97 BD-15 6406 220278 165658 16708 23 22 39.2 -15 02 21 5.20 A3Vp 0.7 0.4 D:5.6 A2V, 6.4 A7V, 63.16y, a = 0.420".,DYN:0.017".,G:Hyades group.,S:Lambda Boo star, Mg 4481 wk, Ca II st.
HR 8892 98 BD-20 6587 220321 191858 1612 I 23 22 58.2 -20 06 02 3.97 K0III
HR 8900 BD-19 6450 220465 165672 23 24 07.8 -18 41 15 6.19 G8III
HR 8906 99 BD-21 6420 220704 191900 I 14554 23 26 02.8 -20 38 31 4.39 K5III G:Sirius group.
HR 8917 BD-12 6496 220957 165708 23 28 05.2 -11 26 59 6.37 G0V
HR 8921 BD-10 6120 221081 146729 I 23 29 00.6 -09 15 58 6.18 K0
HR 8924 BD-05 5999 221148 146736 3881 14588 23 29 32.1 -04 31 58 6.25 K3III v
HR 8928 BD-07 6036 221308 146748 23 31 01.1 -06 17 18 6.39 K0
HR 8931 BD-04 5896 221356 146752 23 31 31.5 -04 05 14 6.49 F8V
HR 8932 100 BD-22 6141 221357 191970 3885 23 31 42.1 -21 22 10 6.29 A9III
HR 8939 101 BD-21 6437 221565 191988 W 23 33 16.6 -20 54 52 4.71 A1n 2.3 1.0
HR 8946 BD-16 6314 221745 165780 I 23 34 49.4 -15 14 45 5.96 K0
HR 8951 BD-08 6142 221835 146795 888 23 35 32.1 -07 27 52 6.39 gG5
HR 8958 BD-13 6439 222093 165804 16878 23 37 39.6 -13 03 37 5.65 G9IIIFe-0.5 3.9 31.6
HR 8968 ω1 102 BD-15 6471 222345 165818 23 39 47.1 -14 13 18 5.00 F0IV
HR 8978 CD-2417796 222485 192083 I 14665 23 41 07.0 -24 09 37 6.60 M1III VAR:Amp. 0.05(B-V).
HR 8979 BD-12 6535 222493 165828 23 41 08.9 -11 40 50 5.89 G9III G:Probable Hyades group
HR 8980 103 BD-18 6357 222547 165834 I 23 41 34.5 -18 01 38 5.34 K5III
HR 8982 104 BD-18 6358 222574 165836 I W 14671 23 41 45.8 -17 48 59 4.82 G0Ib-II 2.8 120.1
HR 8987 BD-16 6345 222643 165841 I 23 42 27.9 -15 26 52 5.28 K4III SB:Unresolved by speckle interferometry 1986.45.
HR 8988 ω2 105 BD-15 6476 222661 165842 894 16944 23 42 43.3 -14 32 42 4.49 B9.5V 6.0 5.0 D:Component B, CPM, A5Vep; however, the companion is optical.
HR 8992 BD-16 6352 222800 165849 I R Aqr 23 43 49.5 -15 17 04 6.36 M7IIIpe v S:Strong emission of He 10830 and FeXIII 10747. Spectrum varies M5e-M8.5e + pec.,VAR:M 5.8 - 12.4v, 386.96d. Secular period change, and oscillations in 24y period, also in RV. Variable radio emission,VAR:and SiO maser. May be a symbiotic star embedded in expanding gaseous nebula. Dust cloud associated with red component.,VAR:Companion B2ep may be an accretion white dwarf. Merrill in 1935 and Payne-Gaposhkin in 1946 analyzed the composite,VAR:light curve of R Aqr and its companion, concluding that the companion varies from about 8 to 12p, perhaps by even 5m.
HR 8998 106 BD-19 6500 222847 165854 1621 23 44 12.1 -18 16 37 5.24 B9Vn
HR 9002 107 BD-19 6506 223024 165867 16979 A 23 46 00.9 -18 40 41 5.29 F2III+F2V 1.0 6.6 D:11813y, a = 14.21". Companion F2III or F2V, sources discordant; vsini 96k/s.,DYN:0.027".
HR 9009 BD-12 6559 223170 165880 23 47 15.9 -11 54 39 5.73 gK1
HR 9014 BD-07 6086 223311 146919 3912 I 14715 23 48 32.5 -06 22 50 6.07 K4III
HR 9021 BD-16 6373 223428 165905 23 49 31.6 -15 51 40 6.24 K2IIIbFe-0.5
HR 9027 BD-10 6177 223524 165911 897 23 50 14.7 -09 58 27 5.94 K0IV
HR 9029 BD-15 6507 223559 165915 23 50 33.3 -14 24 07 5.72 K4.5IIIb
HR 9031 108 BD-19 6522 223640 165918 ET Aqr 23 51 21.3 -18 54 32 5.18 B9pSiSrCr v RV:Binary motion will not account for variations in RV, line profiles or light.,VAR:Alpha CV 5.16 - 5.21V, 3.730d. Variable magnetic field and spectrum.
HR 9037 BD-15 6515 223774 165933 23 52 30.0 -14 15 04 5.87 K3III
HR 9040 BD-09 6277 223807 146953 23 52 50.5 -08 59 48 5.75 K0III
HR 9043 CD-2417897 223884 192218 23 53 20.8 -24 13 45 6.24 A3Shell S:Weak shell absorption; no emission.


Key to columns [154]
HR Harvard Revised Number = Bright Star Number
B Bayer designation (greek letter)
F Flamsteed number
DM Durchmusterung Identification (BD = Bonn; CD = Cordoba; CP = Cape Photographic)
HD Henry Draper Catalog Number
SAO SAO Catalog Number
FK5 FK5 star Number
IR I if infrared source
M* Double or multiple-star code. (A = Astrometric binary; D = Duplicity discovered by occultation; I = Innes, Southern Double Star Catalogue (1927); R = Rossiter, Michigan Publ. 9, 1955; S = Duplicity discovered by speckle interferometry; W = Worley (1978) update of the IDS;)
ADS Aitken's Double Star Catalog (ADS) designation
VarID Variable star identification
RA Right Ascension (J2000.0)
Dec Declination (J2000.0)
vMag Visual magnitude
spType Spectral type
dMag Magnitude difference of double, or brightest multiple
Sep Separation of components in Dmag if occultation binary (arcsec)
Remarks Note on Category (C = Colors; D = Double and multiple stars; DYN = Dynamical parallaxes; G = Group membership; M = Miscellaneous; N = Star names; P = Polarization; R = Stellar radii or diameters; RV = Radial and/or rotational velocities; S = Spectra; SB = Spectroscopic binaries; VAR = Variability)
