The following people contributed to the Deep-Sky Corner. Many thanks to everyone for the submitted object descriptions, photos and drawings.

Michael Steffen
skyphoto.chPhotos (29)
Grus Quartet
IC 405 + IC 410
IC 1396
IC 1805
IC 1848
IC 2944
IC 4633 & IC 4635
LBN 777
M 16
M 17
M 22
M 51
M 97 & M 108
M 101
M 106
NGC 104 - 47 Tucanae
NGC 253
NGC 281
NGC 1365
NGC 2070
NGC 3372
NGC 4217 & NGC 4226
NGC 5139 - Omega Centauri
NGC 6728
NGC 6752
NGC 6888 + Ju 1
NGC 7293
Sh 2-54 + NGC 6604
Sh 2-132