Contributors The following people contributed to the Deep-Sky Corner. Many thanks to everyone for the submitted object descriptions, photos and drawings. Choose ... Alean, Jürg Berchten, Stefan Blank, Bernhard Bleiker, Bruno Chromik, Radek Cukas, Jozef Halter, Tobias Heck, Philipp Reza Imfeld, Niklaus J. Jung, Manuel Kocher, Peter Kohler, Beat Leiter, Frank H. Meister, Stefan Nies, Bernd Noris, Basilio Rettweiler, Lutz Schenker, Jonas Schmid, Pierre Stalder, Roland Steffen, Michael Studer, Jörg Stüssi, Peter Vogel, Dragan von Bergen, Eduard Wälchli, Hansjörg Walther, Bruno Jörg Studer Photos (16) Abell 31 (Sh 2-290) CTA 1 IC 2162 IC 3568 LDN 1082 + NGC 6946 LDN 1235 LoTR 5 Lower's Nebula NGC 40 & CTA 1 NGC 225 NGC 6543 NGC 7662 Sh 2-129 Sh 2-170 Sh 2-170 & CTB 1 Simeis 147 (Sh 2-240)