The following people contributed to the Deep-Sky Corner. Many thanks to everyone for the submitted object descriptions, photos and drawings.

Frank H. Leiter, asterythms.netPhotos (1)
Drawings (2)
Pages with Object Descriptions (13)
- Abell 12 & μ Orionis
- Butterfly Nebula (NGC 2346)
- Cluster Roslund 4 & Nebula IC 4954/5
- Edge-On Cluster (NGC 6834)
- Galaxies NGC 3718, NGC 3729 & Hickson 56
- Galaxies NGC 4733, NGC 4754, NGC 4762
- Galaxies NGC 6702, NGC 6703
- Galaxies NGC 7332 & NGC 7339
- Globular Cluster Messier 53
- Open Cluster NGC 6791
- Open Cluster Roslund 3
- Praesepe, Beehive Cluster (Messier 44)
- Ring Cluster (NGC 1513)